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  1. bedwards

    Dual Fuel Tank Question

    I would go on and replace the valve itself. The electrical connection goes through the valve. Dual Tank Schem by bedwards posted Nov 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM
  2. bedwards

    Truck shifting roughly after replacing carburetor

    What tranny do you have? Did you go back with same carb and base gasket? Did you re-set your transmission cable?
  3. bedwards

    Mechanical fuel pump

    Mine doesn't have but a dribble in it when I change the filter and it runs just fine. I have had to drop both my tanks and rinse them out. The little filter in the carb will stop up real quick if you don't have clean fuel. I had to cut the filters I have changed open to see what was stopping...
  4. bedwards

    Mechanical fuel pump

    The line is a return to keep the pressure regulated at the carb and send the extra to the tank. I would hook it back up.
  5. bedwards

    Dual Fuel Tank Question

    When I cleaned my tanks, one tank came off the jack and yanked the ground wire off. I just cleaned it up with a brush and soldered it to the post where it broke off.
  6. bedwards

    wiper issue

    I think that is my issue also. I have taken it loose and re-connected it and the problem has gone away. The connection didn't look corroded but it is 35 years old.
  7. bedwards

    Melting fusible links at starter and junction box

    Not to insult, but I had a friend that hooked his battery up backwards one time and did similar damage.
  8. bedwards

    6 port fuel tank switch valve....How to check?

    I took my gas caps off. I shot compressed air through the line from where it connects at the fuel pump and listened for the bubbles in the tank. Then switched tanks and did it again for the other tank. Blew the vent line out the same way.
  9. bedwards

    Is a 85 700r4 ok?

    When/what were the fixes? I mean, I'm sure they were all along. I have a 5/85 build and so far has been fine. I have done a pan drop 3 times since I got it with little if any clutch material in the pan.
  10. bedwards

    wiper issue

    1985 c10. Last week my wipers started wiping 3 times when I start the truck. I shot a light oil down the stalk to the multi function switch which cured it for about a week. Now its back doing it again. It seems that what I used last is what it does when I start it. If I use the mist function...
  11. bedwards

    1986 C10- Is it reliable enough for a daily driver?

    Bought mine with 19000 miles on it almost 4 years ago. PO died shortly after buying it new and it largely sat in a barn for years. I thought it would be the ultimate solid dependable old truck. While I have enjoyed it and it has become very dependable, it has taken a lot of work to get it to...
  12. bedwards

    Keep Frying HEI Coils PLEASE HELP!

    I've read this thread over a couple times and maybe I missed it. Did you check and see if the coil ground wire is present inside the cap? There is a ground wire in there on top of the coil that hooks up to the wiring harness.
  13. bedwards

    Gauge / Idle fuse on an 84

    If the compressor is turned on the idle solenoid should kick in. When on vent or heat it doesn't.
  14. bedwards

    Gauge / Idle fuse on an 84

    I'm not sure what you are asking, but the idle solenoid kicks the idle up when you turn your air conditioner on. It is mounted on the driver side where the linkage is on the carb. If you don't have factory air, you may not even have one.
  15. bedwards

    Broken slip yoke help!

    I'd run the shit outta that. I doubt it causing any problems.
  16. bedwards

    Spare Tire Thingamajig

    Mines bone stock and it has the piece.
  17. bedwards

    Washer fluid motor not working

    I had to replace mine which was in the reservoir. I got a Delco at Rock Auto. After I got the old one out, I could tell it had dried washer fluid stuck in it. I cleaned that out and now it works too. Might pull yours out and see if it is stopped up and or stuck.
  18. bedwards

    No Start, Sputters, Backfires, has used ignition parts

    It is really hard to tell in the pics, but it sure looks like your even side wires are not right. I've gotten two crossed before.
  19. bedwards

    HEI Distributor - Do I need to replace any of these parts?

    Sorry, just getting back. Mine looked like that and I cleaned it with carb cleaner. Let that dry and put a drop of heavy grease on each spring post. Made sure the cap was clean inside and no signs of arcing. You need new plug wires for sure. I didn't see the crack your talking about. Its not...
  20. bedwards

    HEI Distributor - Do I need to replace any of these parts?

    I'd clean it up (advance weights) and replace the normal wear parts (cap, Rotor, plug wires) and run with it. I have had bad experience with Chinesium ignition parts. The original is built to last. Do not do more than clean and lube the springs and posts as they are calibrated to your...
  21. bedwards

    305 carb issues

  22. bedwards

    No fuel to carb

    Looks like your running two fuel filters under the truck and if you have a quad there is a third one there in the inlet on it. Might be too much restriction.
  23. bedwards

    speaker size

    4x7 in mine '85
  24. bedwards

    305 carb issues

    The Quad was made for the truck. If your keeping it stock like I did mine, there really are no better options. Having said that, I have rebuilt mine twice in 4 years before I got it right. I dare say mine runs as close to FI as your going to get with a carb. There are sites on the web that will...
  25. bedwards

    gas tank pushing fuel out the cap...

    Mine did it and the tank selector valve was bad. Pumped enough fuel from one tank into the other to overflow it and up through the vent into the carbon canister and ruined it and flooded the carb.

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