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  1. 8T6K5

    What have you done to your square lately??

    There are options to buy a new CS130 140A (even 200A+) or have the OE re-wound....and make it a simple swap... Between the bracket, the alt and belt (which needed to be replaced anyway), Im into this for < $100.... much cheaper and I get to be a little more hands on which is always a good...
  2. 8T6K5

    What have you done to your square lately??

    There's alot of uncertainty exactly where the bracket comes from. Some say Police Package Caprices...but the CS-144 doesnt fit it? Others say some Caddy's and other GM models that optioned for the 120A upgrade... I got mine here: I could be wrong...
  3. 8T6K5

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Made a 140A alternater fit into a 120A bracket...
  4. 8T6K5

    "The Big 3 Upgrade"

    So was it a dumbass or a 'Tard...:think: My guess is a 'Tard working in a factory in the US is nieve to the fact that he/she is being expolited and as you say, just happy to have a job...therefor they try as hard as their mental abilities allow. That error is forgivable. The Mexican...
  5. 8T6K5

    "The Big 3 Upgrade"

    Label on box said: Hencho en Mexico.....nuff' said.
  6. 8T6K5

    "The Big 3 Upgrade"

    ...and I get up there and its the wrong part in the box! Havent found it anywhere else, I think its only avail thru NAPA too.
  7. 8T6K5

    "The Big 3 Upgrade"

    Scored that this past weekend, bracket yesterday. Just need go get my arse up to NAPA for the harness to from 3 plug to 4 plug.....only one that has it is 30min away. Will do a write up on that too. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. 8T6K5

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Eat your heart out 89S... Supercharged 7.4L
  9. 8T6K5

    I need help! the steer shaft is gone... I think

    That was a lot of help.... Correct that is not your drive shaft. That is your steering shaft, rag joint and steering gear box. Now what is the problem? Your gonna need to provide more input than just a pic.....
  10. 8T6K5

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Aquired one more part for my project... CS-144 140A Alt out of a 95' Caprice
  11. 8T6K5

    My Big 3 Upgrade

    Strong work... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. 8T6K5

    Just an FYI....

  13. 8T6K5

    1 ton rear spring hangers

    What is the benefit of doing this?
  14. 8T6K5

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist. Ummmmm....??
  15. 8T6K5

    Looking for my new ride has some nice goodies for those...
  16. 8T6K5

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Im gonna say the K5 is the pick out of that bunch....
  17. 8T6K5

    =Sunset= Member from San Diego

    Grew up just South of you in IB. Ever come down to The Plank? Thought that might of been Fiesta Island in the background your first pic......
  18. 8T6K5

    =Sunset= Member from San Diego

    Which station in SD?
  19. 8T6K5

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Thx, and I would love to have one of those bumpres....drop and second set of Hella 550's up in there...
  20. 8T6K5

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Email sent: Really dude? Whats so special about your heads and tb because I can buy a whole motor for $400
  21. 8T6K5

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    For my own info.... what are you basing that on?
  22. 8T6K5

    Gauge cluster question

    Build your own....guy in my other forum did this beauty:
  23. 8T6K5

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Will be easy to bring the HC down, new plugs, wire, cap, rotor...I hope. That CO reading is crazy! I knew I ran rich, but wtf?
  24. 8T6K5

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Varying speeds on rollers, max 55...I believe.

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