I'm about to pull all the wiring out of my 85 Blazer. I'll not be reusing it. I'll take some pics. If it is what you are after you can have it. Pay for the ride.
Yep... Love my 2021 Platinum. Stereo is the JBL, and yes it suxs. I upgraded mine all new speakers, two 10s behind the back seat, and a 400 watt amp. I want to upgrade the head unit, that will be next.
LOL... I can remember when 125 was just being built. 125, and 94 is where Family Fun center use to be. SD looks different now than it did when I grew up there. Some good, some bad. Santee is way different than in the time I grew up.
My wife and I were in SD back in June. Went to Julian just to have Apple pie, and the cinnamon ice cream. The drive was great in the convertible Camero and my bride of 31 years...
Romona Cruise nite... I can remember when their wasn't much in Ramona. I had a buddy that lived in Ramona. I was born and raised in Lakeside. Seemed like it took forever to go get him, so we could go to Family Fun Center in La Mesa
I got sand paper for the sanding boards my wife got me. She didn't understand that it didn't come with the boards. I also got a 90° seem separator. I have the flat one already and it is great.
:welcome: You have my attention on this one. I have a 82 2WD I'm thinking about making it full convertible. If you have the top you have a big piece of the puzzle. Please post some pics.