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  1. hey mister

    Thin stripe, then thick or visa-versa

    That's what I'm look'n for. Thanks guys.
  2. hey mister

    Thin stripe, then thick or visa-versa

    Repainted the rims (that was an adventure) (check my other post for that story) Anywho, I was thinking on putting a stripe or two on the rim....actually stripe tape. I know it ain't stock, but that's ok, neither is the Moons I'm putting on. So the question is: Which way does the stripe go and where?
  3. hey mister

    How to balance a wheel with....

    ...46 year old undercoating, puddled on it? You can not make this up... Today I pulled the wheels to paint the rims. And before you ask, No, I did not take the tires off. And No, I did not take the weights off either. So, somebody had painted the rims white, but just painted the show side. I...
  4. hey mister

    Pre & Post Thermal Exchanger swap

    Thank you, sir. My goal for posting the projects is to inspire others. The kudos are nice but not really the goal.
  5. hey mister

    Dome light switch snafu

    Oh, I was almost hating life there. Switch was out, wire was off and some little monkey was inside the panel tugging on that wire. Whooa! Wait a minute... Grabbed the switch and plugged it back in. Then went for the string. I keep a couple old shoe laces in the toolbox for just such occasions...
  6. hey mister

    Dome light switch snafu

    Shortly after getting the truck, I was tinkering around and cleaning up inside the cab. Opened the passenger door and noticed no dome light action. Fiddled with the switch and found it to be rusted solid. Considering all the undercoating and finding that rusted solid, made no sense, then it hit...
  7. hey mister

    Pre & Post Thermal Exchanger swap

    I can rrmember in 1978 or 79. An uncle bought a new car. I want to say a big LTD or similiar. He popped the hood and all ya seen was a breather in an ocean of hoses. Holy spaghetti Batman! You could toss a dime anywhere in there and it would never fall thru...even with the engine running. I had...
  8. hey mister

    I got the green light.

    I was going to do red because red lighting was supposed to be better in dark situatuons, but I always found red annoying. Then I had heard some info on greem lighting. I've used green illumi ation for night shooting and found it better to work with. I have a couple green minimag led lights and...
  9. hey mister

    I got the green light.

    I am partial to green, but I have to say some shades of green just gag me and other shades just get the juices going. And as I get older some of the lights at night are annoying. The dash lights in the wife's car are too many, too bright, the wrong color and distracting. I prefer to have the...
  10. hey mister

    Greeting from the, X-tire capitol of the world.

    Ok. I have hung up a couple of project posts in the "garage". The console build. The radiator/heater core/damper box refirb. A green dash light swap will be up in a few minutes. And I'm currently building a behind the bench seat cubby to replace the original black cardboard "feeding trough". But...
  11. hey mister

    Greeting from the, X-tire capitol of the world.

    Our eastern neighbor is the birthplace of steel for this country. Our N.W. neighbor is the automotive capital of the contenient. And since we could not crash them fast enough to make a huge profit, let there be salt. May they rust in pieces.
  12. hey mister

    Greeting from the, X-tire capitol of the world.

    Well, we might be the X-rubber capital of the world but we are still the salt capital of the world. And there's big money in mining it out from under Lake Erie. And as long as someone is pulling it out, somebody else has to spread it around. We had so little snow here last winter but yet they...
  13. hey mister

    Pre & Post Thermal Exchanger swap

    Ok...this is just a radiator and heater core swap post. Original radiator and heater core was not leaking...yet, but the foam inside the heater bow was coming out ever orfice. I mean, it looked like the poor thing was puking up lung chunks. And just touching them in efforts to pick them up only...
  14. hey mister

    What did we do before cup holders?

    The wife used that g/b door at drive-ins until I built the box. I could never reach it.
  15. hey mister

    What did we do before cup holders?

    That is perfect. Nice job! Average minds think
  16. hey mister

    Greeting from the, X-tire capitol of the world.

    Ziebart is a company that provides coatings to protect metaland paint. Tuff Coat is/was another company. There were a few others. The undercoating stuff is like cosomoline on steroids, Redbull and Mountian Dew. Funny thing, my other truck, 01" Tacoma was part of a recall for frame failures due...
  17. hey mister

    What did we do before cup holders?

    Here now-a-days it's just the Mrs. & I. And the grandkids have no interest in riding in the old truck so the console lives there now. Passengers have an 8ft bed to stretch out in.
  18. hey mister

    What did we do before cup holders?

    ...holding that hot coffee between your legs? Oh yea, I remember those days. And the memories are not pleasant. So.... The Mrs. and I kept looking for console with a couple cup holders, but none of them stirred us to buy. So one day I fired up the old CAD system; Cardboard, Sharpie and...
  19. hey mister

    Badgeless, but better now.

    Only if you post a pic of your version.
  20. hey mister

    Ignition switch upgrade

    I thought about a hidden switch or a battery cut-out. Just haven't figured out which one or where. And the keyless options are just about as easy to hack as the stock column.
  21. hey mister

    Badgeless, but better now.

    And what's funny is that not one person at any crus'in has ever noticed or mentioned the Sunburst Badge. Oh well, most of us walk around half awake anyhow.
  22. hey mister

    Badgeless, but better now.

    Sorry, the 5 photo limit per post chopped this one off.
  23. hey mister

    Badgeless, but better now.

    When I test drove Big 10 "Biggins" I noticed the grill badge was missing. Easy fix. I am a C.A.D. guy. Sometimes CAD/CAM, sometimes just good ol' fashion CAD...cardboard aided design. For this job, only the best, frozen pizza box cardboard. The initial cutting, trimming and fitting is all trial...
  24. hey mister

    Greeting from the, X-tire capitol of the world.

    I have no desire to do any restoration, per si. Just maintain and improve the creature comforts.
  25. hey mister

    Greeting from the, X-tire capitol of the world.

    We drive on the right side of the road. However, lately there has been a trend to drive down the middle while one manipulates their crotch.

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