Recent content by tdub209

  1. tdub209

    350 HEI advance kit help/advice needed

    I have the Moroso kit in my HEI and it’s pretty great. i have a Proform distributor, with MSD cap and rotor, pertronix coil, and MSD ignition module with rev limiter, and the moroso advance kit. I used the Silver weights in mine so it advances faster and it runs phenomenal. i’d recommend it over...
  2. tdub209

    Post Pictures of Your Front bumper

    the worst part for me is i started this thread to get ideas for my truck and now the pictures won’t load on my phone [emoji2359]
  3. tdub209

    Post Pictures of Your Front bumper

    the mag wheels are awesome.!!! i’d love to find a set of 16.5s for my pick up
  4. tdub209

    Post Pictures of Your Front bumper

    I want to get a big nasty offroad front bumper for my pick up, but not a lot of companies make them for our body style truck anymore. So i’ve resulted in spending some time at a steel shop then long nights in my shop with my welder. What does everyone else’s front bumpers look like.!
  5. tdub209

    Power doors

    has anyone messed with putting 81-87 doors on a 73-80 cab? do they mount in the same spot and sit at the same height? i’m aware the hood hinges are completely different which is the hardest part for the front clip swap. But i’m not sure if the doors would be the same to transfer over. I have a...
  6. tdub209

    Body Panels

    gotcha, yeah i got a cab, doors, and core support already. just need passenger fender and cowl hood. my truck has a flatbed so no need for rear stuff
  7. tdub209

    Body Panels

    hmm i’ll have to check modesto, i’ve gone to stockton a lot and they’re never quite to my liking
  8. tdub209

    63” Springs

    i have done both. normally go center to center and you can tell. if the number isn’t exact what i’m looking for i know what they’re off of so i have an idea. example on my truck i have 56” rear leafs and when i measured them they came out to 55” or something but i knew they could only be 56”...
  9. tdub209

    Body Panels

    i know i’m going to have to shim them quite a bit to get them to fit properly on my 75 cab. I’m trying to avoid having to do body work on the fenders and deal with that. my driver fender, doors, cab, and rad support are straight and perfect with no rust or damage. So i just have to work with the...
  10. tdub209

    Body Panels

    okay good to know. the 81-87 stuff is hard to find used and in good condition. that’s why i was asking about reproduction, i might have to just buy some and hope for the best
  11. tdub209

    89-91 Lighting

    best lights to run for the 89-91 front ends?? So far from what i have seen LMC is the only company that make aftermarket lens for the high/low beams? anyone know a secret that i don’t?
  12. tdub209

    Body Panels

    i didn’t know if aftermarket would be a good fit or if buying used is a better option. my passenger fender is crumpled near the cab and has started to rust so it needs to be replaced. and i’m going to replace the hood with a cowl hood to clear my air cleaner/intake manifold.
  13. tdub209

    Body Panels

    has anyone bought after market fenders and hoods for their square and found the best brand to go with? i need to get a hood and passenger fender 81-87 style, but don’t want to buy aftermarket junk stuff.
  14. tdub209

    63” swap

    So i posted the other day and didn’t get any replies or hits on the post , guess i should’ve been more elaborate with my topic lol. I got a set of 63” springs the other day for my square , i plan on swapping them in with the ff14b. now how i do the swap is where i’m at a stand still, i have the...
  15. tdub209

    63” Springs

    Took my little brother on his first junkyard trip today. was able to find a set of 63” springs for my 75/85 k20-k30 hybrid. pretty excited for the spring swap, i just need to order frame hangers and a shackle flip then they’ll be going in.

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