perky's latest activity

  • perky
    perky reacted to TotalyHucked's post in the thread Show your daily driver with Like Like.
    My buddy's got one of those he got from his mom. She bought it new in '05 but has had a company car since about '06 so it's only got...
  • perky
    perky reacted to 89Suburban's post in the thread Show your daily driver with Like Like.
    My buddy at work had one of those he bought brand new, treated him well for many years. Finally traded it in for another one about 5...
  • perky
    perky replied to the thread Show your daily driver.
    I think this is going to be my daily for the next decade or so, unless there are other circumstances. It's a pleasure to drive, quiet...
  • perky
    perky replied to the thread Show your daily driver.
    Man good for him. I've been looking for a good reliable daily driver, and I regularly see these on marketplace with 250k plus miles, so...
  • perky
    perky replied to the thread Show your daily driver.
    Snapped up a single owner awd highlander that has just over 100k on it. Absolutely immaculate inside, and it has a tape deck! Should be...
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