Recent content by Old77

  1. Old77

    Old77’s Oldest Kid’s 1992 S10 Blazer thread

    Well, we’re in a real pickle now :rolleyes: We got everything together over the weekend, but couldn’t get everything 100% buttoned up until tonight because of waiting on parts to arrive that broke along the way due to 32 year old plastic wonderfulness. First startup, the positive is no oil puff...
  2. Old77

    Current project 1953 3100

  3. Old77

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    Nice job sticking to that, Zach! What you did there was no small task and is the reason I'd had taken it to a shop and paid for their experience but you stuck it out and no doubt learned a ton. Good job :High 5:
  4. Old77

    Old77’s Oldest Kid’s 1992 S10 Blazer thread

    See vacuum line circled in red. Can I replace these with just regular, rubber vacuum hose? Due to age, we’ve had a couple crumble to pieces on us and I’m not finding OEM style replacements
  5. Old77

    Old77’s Oldest Kid’s 1992 S10 Blazer thread

    Yes. There was an o-ring style on there before. I posted the same question on the KC Squarebody group cuz there are some knowledgeable folks there, too, and was told to just use the umbrella seals and not double up on umbrella and o-ring.
  6. Old77

    Old77’s Oldest Kid’s 1992 S10 Blazer thread

    Only been able to hit this job and hour at a time, but finished up drivers side today. Took us about 4 hours between taking valve covers off and replacing the seals. Will start on passenger side tomorrow morning for a couple of hours. Those old seals were rock hard and crumbled as soon as we...
  7. Old77

    Old77’s Oldest Kid’s 1992 S10 Blazer thread

    Helping my oldest replace valve stem seals on this 4.3 in his S10 blazer. Using the umbrella seals. Question, do we use the umbrella seals AND the o-ring or just the umbrella seals?
  8. Old77

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    At the point a vehicle has been "restored" or even significantly messed with then the original mileage no longer even matters IMO At that point, it's time to look it over real close to make sure what's been messed with and the full package of the vehicle is worth the price it's being listed for.
  9. Old77

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    And for someone who is paying what I'd consider top dollar I'm surprised that the truck wouldn't be more highly scrutinized. I nitpick a truck a LOT higher when I'm paying top dollar for it than when I'm getting a deal but maybe others don't do the same or maybe what they consider "top dollar"...
  10. Old77

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    Yeah, He's had a few really nice squares that were built by hot rod ranch down in Texas. I remember him from the old forum days, too. He always had sick trucks!
  11. Old77

    Nice squarebody on BaT much yes about that truck. She's gorgeous.
  12. Old77

    Post 454 rebuild and oil consumption

    And every time I delete one word, it goes back to the first page on the list (there’s 23 pages). I’ve deleted a bunch but it takes a lot of time to make any real progress. :rolleyes:
  13. Old77

    Post 454 rebuild and oil consumption

    Dingle is now allowed. The issue is that I can only remove one at a time and there are a LOT on that list :whymewhyme:
  14. Old77

    Current project 1953 3100

    My dad has a ‘52
  15. Old77

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    I’d daily that one

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