Recent content by NOPHO84K30

  1. NOPHO84K30

    Squarebody door stuck shut ??? The remedy.

    Thank you brother I am stuck with a driver door that will not unlock took it apart from inside. Fun times. My lock tumbler may be messed up to I'm not sure yet it will turn like there's no resistance one way then feel normal the other way ill try this remedy asap
  2. NOPHO84K30

    Door rebuild - what should I get in preparation?

    Little metal clips for door lock rods usually can't reuse them. They are a pita get ones with the gap in middle
  3. NOPHO84K30

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Had it painted last year. All new rubber seals put on. Filled in gas doors deleted trim holes.
  4. NOPHO84K30

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Just got it back from paint, man it looks killer good old Victory red. New motor is still in break in lots to do still.
  5. NOPHO84K30

    Well forced to sell my k30

    There are not running k30s in the area that are beat going for 5800. I was thinking 10k maybe
  6. NOPHO84K30

    Well forced to sell my k30

    Tell me what you guys think I should ask 84 k30 454 ord motor mounts fietech 600hp fuel injection coated headman headers msd pro billit distributor roller tip tockers rv cam new timing chain edelbrock water pump serpentine from a 92 454 suburban. Np205 ord twon stick. Sm465 Dana 60 front with...
  7. NOPHO84K30

    Cab lights

    Right I'll have to pull them all off at same time and see if theres power any where in the line I imagine if the first lights bad none would work
  8. NOPHO84K30

    Cab lights

    I mounted the end ground to the screw hole. Problem I think I have it I had the lights on during install and I cut both wires at same time on accident they turned off wired it up and never turned back on. I need a dam power probe lol. Each light has a red and a black wire put in series. Can u...
  9. NOPHO84K30

    Cab lights

    So I replaced my cab lights and now there not working. But all other running lights work is there a fuse just for cab roof lights
  10. NOPHO84K30

    Engine cooling fans

    I had to run my fans off of a 100 amp continuous relay that my controller turns on and off. I burnt up 4 or 5 fan controllers before I ran it like this. Even the painless f5 duel fan controller I spent $260 on. It's easy to wire up just opening- closing relay.
  11. NOPHO84K30

    Switching from dual to single tank... How do I fix the wiring?

    Find your sender wire its probly pink running down the driver side. Cut as far back as you can connect to new sender. Remove all other wires. Its what i did still works
  12. NOPHO84K30

    454ho gm performance opinions

    Ill probly keep the sm465 over the 700 not sure how long itll be bolted up to np205 where the shifters will be an what not with the th350 adapter and output spacer needed to bolt it together
  13. NOPHO84K30

    454ho gm performance opinions

    Does anyone have one in there square or have any experience with it. im looking at getting one in 2 months when the dyno shop next to my work pulls one out and swaps in a ls to this guys car. Hes selling it for 4500 bucks carb to pan fan to built 700r4 trsns.
  14. NOPHO84K30

    Need a z bar picture

    Ok just wondering thx for the reply.
  15. NOPHO84K30

    Need a z bar picture

    Just wondering if you any one elses peddles dont line up are all your straight across or does the clutch stick out more. Mine was worn through and i may not have indexed it right when i made a new one (z bar that is). i dont remember how far it was and didnt take pics.

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