Recent content by mlsceo

  1. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    Yes, I had read that previously. And yes, SB712 leaves the pre-76 exemption in place. The bill is about collector cars, not old cars. They're not trying to make all old cars smog exempt. They are trying to make collector cars smog exempt. Two different animals. I wasn't disagreeing with you.
  2. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    So all in all, I'd say the real question if this bill passes (and I'm not getting my hopes up) becomes what vehicles the collector car insurance companies will accept. I've no doubt my 1978 Fiat X1/9 would qualify as a collector car, but the mere fact that a car or truck is over 35 years old...
  3. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    The bill in question is SB712 not SB12. Google SB712, it reads that collector cars 35 years or older are currently only partially exempt from smog checks. The bill removes the requirement that collector vehicles comply with exhaust emission standards for their specific model year and pass fuel...
  4. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    It's the agreed value stipulation that I like. I use my truck as intended all the time, but yes, no company is great for one and all.
  5. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    Point taken. I was referring to your saying that you didn't have a garage. Sounded like you were blaming someone else for that situation, my mistake.
  6. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

  7. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    My policy says I must keep separate insurance in force for my "regular use" vehicle. Every 3 years they will check mileage and adjust policy premium according to their pricing formula. Premium will go up the more I drive it, that's fair, but no actual mileage limitation. I can add coverage that...
  8. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    Hagerty lists garaging as, private garage/barn/pole building. Do you not have access to any of these? Respectfully, bit of a stretch to blame "the libs" for that. Get a garage, you can list your vehicle as garaged at a different address than your own too. :)
  9. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

  10. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    That's a good thing. I have my 77 Scottsdale insured on a collector car policy. Unlimited miles, $25,000 agreed value. $319 a year.
  11. mlsceo

    CA Smog exemption

    Looks like it will be looked at/acted upon March 24th. Fingers crossed.
  12. mlsceo

    Post 454 rebuild and oil consumption

    Heavier oil probably won't change consumption but won't hurt either, Give it a try if you're so inclined.
  13. mlsceo

    old guy newbie

    Welcome. Red and black :)
  14. mlsceo

    Hello from NorCal, 1984 GMC K1500

    Welcome, nice rig!
  15. mlsceo

    k35 from Fresno, greetings all

    Nice truck. Welcome, I'm just down the road from you.

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