Recent content by MarineOne

  1. MarineOne

    K-30 12v Swap

    Have you considered just swapping body onto the more modern dodge chassis? That's my plan. Currently looking for a donor
  2. MarineOne

    1983 c30 dually dual tank efi questions

    The efi pro kit has the full wiring setup you need and the correct tank selector valve so it returns to correct tank aswell everything you need in a kit If you already have pumps you can buy the harness and valve separately
  3. MarineOne

    1983 c30 dually dual tank efi questions They have a couple nice options for dual tank efi I recommend the dual pump option but single setup works too I like ptfe an style fuel lines but rubber an lines work too but the ethanol in our fuel will eat them eventually
  4. MarineOne

    Finding a folding bench seat for my 76 C10

    Rails were on seat
  5. MarineOne

    Finding a folding bench seat for my 76 C10

    Fwiw I bolt one from a 78 into an 86 no problem
  6. MarineOne

    How much oil pressure is to much for a stock 350

    Possible you got a high volume pump?
  7. MarineOne

    Plastic or metal fuel lines?

    Ptfe an lines
  8. MarineOne

    Show your sick toy !!!

    Few more
  9. MarineOne

    Show your sick toy !!!

    Here's a few
  10. MarineOne

    1978 jimmy bolt on roll pan

    The fiberglass ones are bolt on
  11. MarineOne

    Mudflaps-not the woman type.

    I always liked the polished aluminum diamond plate ones on older trucks
  12. MarineOne

    Lift kit

    I really like rough country products. Never been disappointed with anything from them. I would recommend getting the upgraded v2 shocks. The base n3 shocks are way to stiff. That said skyjacker makes a good kit too(get the kit with all 4 springs and the black max shocks)
  13. MarineOne

    mr gasket fuel regulator

    You will need a gauge to set it. carburetor?
  14. MarineOne

    Front end grinding when hard accelerating

    One of those could be sticky
  15. MarineOne

    What motor is best for a swap on a K25

    Depends on budget and what your doing with it

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