Recent content by kapitein

  1. kapitein

    Towing with my 86.... hints, tips, essentials?

    European campers are just built differently. Full aluminium chassis and lightweight walls etc. At 4200lb dry, this is about as heavy as a Euro camper gets. 5500lb wet is, again, about the max you will ever see for a euro camper. Every euro car has a max tongue weight, and they are (in...
  2. kapitein

    Towing with my 86.... hints, tips, essentials?

    Thanks, Electronic trailer brakes arent a thing here - we use an overrun braking system and this camper has something called an ALKO hitch and chassis with an anti-sway device. Its all on Google if your interest peaks you. BTW, do you happen to know the max. safe nose weight for a...
  3. kapitein

    Towing with my 86.... hints, tips, essentials?

    Hi all, For the first time I will be towing with my 86 C20 454 TH400. The truck is in really good shape mechanically, but im wondering if there are any words of wisdom when towing a camper with these rigs? When fully loaded the camper is right around 5500lbs. Extra coolers neccessary for the...
  4. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    Yeh, as a rule of thumb you can often double whatever the US price is for a landed price in Europe with taxes and shipping included. Its the price you pay to be cool! :)
  5. kapitein

    86 Suburban 2nd row shouldber belts

    Update to this. Finally got the rear belts in the car. I waited until the car was off the road for the winter anyways.... So, they fit. They look nice. They work. Im happy. Annoyances: 1) The supplied upper mounting bolts are just completely the wrong size. Too short and too thin...
  6. kapitein

    Installing a New Exhaust System Including Headers

    We just installed Hedmann Ceramic coated LTs on my 86 454 C20. Zero issues under the hood, all fitted great. Nice thick flange on the headers too. Only issue was the chassis cross member on the drivers side... right behind the collector :) They look/sound great. Like them a lot.
  7. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    And finally, how the old gal sounds:
  8. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    The finished job: And the electric fan :)
  9. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    Propane filling port: Painting and cleaning as we go: Custom little coolant overflow bottle: Propane controller in the interior:
  10. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    Custom brackets for the relay system and propane condensor. Condensor is mounted longtitudinally for better performance. Work in progress: Done: Accel plug wires going on:
  11. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    Custom 20L emergency fuel tank: Chassis cross members needed to be slightly notched for the 100L propane ring tank.
  12. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    Old cam looked great for age and miles! Intake valley cleaned up well! Header install wasnt without challenges. Chassis in the way!
  13. kapitein

    My 86 454 Conversion to Propane / Gasoline dual-fuel

    For those interested, heres some brief details on the recent conversion we did on my 86 454 Cali-emissions C20. This was a voyage of discovery, often finding very weird 'stuff' that previous owners had MacGuyvered there way around.... typical for a 40yr old vehicle I suppose! So, brief...
  14. kapitein

    Rear AC Evap core & blower motor wheels. 86 Burb

    After a heck of a lot of 'customising', we got that evap core to fit. Probably 3-5 hours in adjusting, smashing, hammering, fabricating. Definitely not direct fit. It functions great, but form wise... heck no.

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