K5Rob's latest activity

  • K
    K5Rob reacted to K5 Blazer's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    There is not a lot of information regarding VSS in a 4x4. Definitely makes an LS swap more difficult.
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    No doubt. Gotta be the most comprehensive one i’ve found yet. I appreciate you guys. I had my 700 all ready to go and i wasnt gonna look...
  • K
    K5Rob reacted to Vbb199's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    Damn this whole thread outta be pinned for any future 60e 4x4 swappers haha
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    I have a tuner lined up to get me started but feel i need to do my homework as well. Which hasnt been easy. I expect to get into some...
  • K
    K5Rob reacted to Bextreme04's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    Pin 71 on the blue connector(C1) can be provided with a momentary ground to trigger Tow/Haul maps and Pin 16 on the green connector(C2)...
  • K
    K5Rob reacted to Bextreme04's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    You can... that's what the 4lo switch is for. You can also set "normal" and "performance" shift points using a tow/haul type momentary...
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    Thanks for the time for explaining this. So much incorrect info out there or yes/no with little explanation. This is my first ls based...
  • K
    K5Rob reacted to Bextreme04's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    You have to think about what the PCM is seeing compared to what the vehicle is actually doing. If you have the VSS at the transfer case...
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    Can you dumb this down for me? Are you saying 4 high (and 2 high) will behave like 4 low? Or are you saying 4 low will not shift...
  • K
    K5Rob reacted to Vbb199's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    Here you go. https://ls1tech.com/forums/conversions-swaps/1738051-4-low-shift-signal.html
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    Has anyone not looked at this adapter? It goes between the 4l60e and 208. And the speedo cable stays in its original location in the...
    • IMG_0172.png
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    No worries. My main question is will the pcm shift the 4l60e correctly if i use a switch to tell it that it’s in low. And second, how is...
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    What i meant was, with a switch wired up, will the pcm shift the transmission correctly? My speedometer is going to be cable driven...
  • K
    K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
    Thanks vbb. Could anyone touch on the high/low range switch? I know ppl are using a switch that they either epoxy or screw to the shift...
  • K
    K5Rob reacted to Vbb199's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
    I dont think it matters where it gets the vss signal from, you should be ok Theres people running mega trucks with aftermarket drop...

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