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      K5Rob replied to the thread 700r4 Manual Valve Body.
      Crazy pic!! Engine braking it is!
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      K5Rob reacted to Matt69olds's post in the thread 700r4 Manual Valve Body with Like Like.
      I didn’t know anyone offered manual valve body for a 700. I knew TransGo offered a kit to convert a stock valve body. A manual valve...
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      This is the down and dirty info I have been looking for so thank you for that. I was worried the 4L60 would nickle and dime me to get...
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      K5Rob reacted to Vbb199's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
      Yea, this gets into what every LS swapper faces... the issue with 60e/80e swapping is you NEED vss , and if 4x4 you'll need your hi/lo...
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      So then in theory if I ran the 4L60E I shouldn’t have to change D/S length, and I think the mounts I found will work with the factory...
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      K5Rob reacted to Vbb199's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
      SHould be the same length as a 700r4 The 208 will mate to the 700r4 or 4L60e Both 27 spline output , 4 bolt pattern
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      Also wondering the above question but with a 4L60E. I think the 4L60E is the preferred transmission over the 700r4 but will it move...
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      Hey all, I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a manual valve body, I have the option of engine braking or no engine braking. This...
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      For those of you that kept the 700r4, did the stock LM7 oil pan clear the crossmember?
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      Okay thanks all. Time to get to work
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      K5Rob reacted to CalSgt's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
      There’s a few circuits in the cab hot while cranking, under the hood I think the coil wire should be hot on run and start. Get your test...
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      Sorry, I think I meant hot with key on AND crank. Need a source for PCM. Was thinking one of the fuses under the dash
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      K5Rob reacted to Ricko1966's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
      Hot key in crank position,use the starter solenoid exciter wire.
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      K5Rob replied to the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5.
      Thank you, yes I will have it tuned as a manual. I think I have someone lined up to do the tune
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      K5Rob reacted to Vbb199's post in the thread 04 LM7 into 87 K5 with Like Like.
      I did forget to add, you'll need to definitely have the PCM programmed as a manual.. theres multiple parameters involved but the...
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