Recent content by Ikeece

  1. Ikeece

    Temp gauge not reading

    I was looking around earlier and this was also brought to my attention. This definitely could be a possibility, As soon as i figure out exactly what i need im for sure going to buy a new sender and make sure its a sender
  2. Ikeece

    Temp gauge not reading

    last summer i replaced the gauge cluster and housing with the nicer silverado one and with that, im unsure of the year truck it came out of, the style is the same but it’s probably a few years newer than the original one. Is there any way i could figure out what year truck the cluster/gauge came...
  3. Ikeece

    Temp gauge not reading

    UPDATE!! I went and replaced the thermostat and i’m still not reading anything on the temperature gauge.
  4. Ikeece

    Temp gauge not reading

    I’ve got an 82 C10 Scottsdale with the 305 in it and ever since i got it, i’ve never had any reading on the temperature gauge. I’ve replaced the temp sender in the block and i’ve tested about three different gauges and you guessed it, still no reading. I’ve tested the gauge in it now with power...
  5. Ikeece

    Gauge cluster

    I figured with the price it would be to replace the two gauges i could just spend some more and get everything in case it was ever needed. Weird thing is, I hooked power up to the gauges not functioning in the truck and they work, then i used my multimeter on the retaining clips that the back...
  6. Ikeece

    Gauge cluster

    I’ve got a 1982 c10 Scottsdale. My battery and temp gauges do nothing but do function when tested on their own. I also accidentally broke the needles on the gas and battery gauge. I’ve been looking around for an entire cluster and i found one i’m interested and like more than my current ones but...

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