Recent content by Fastduramax

  1. Fastduramax

    Prebent brake lines for a 87 R30 long bed regular cab?

    Check out TheStopShop website, dude is pretty interesting and has some informative videos... He posted here some time ago and got no replies so assuming he just said **** it and went elsewhere... I'll be the guinea pig and give it a shot considering everyone seems to bitch about LMC and that...
  2. Fastduramax

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    Good Lord bless you for ever finding a deal on a short box especially today and I need not talk about the RATS that are mostly responsible for this... And yes the price of tea in China is very concerning... :rotflmao:
  3. Fastduramax

    67 Mile V10

    BAT ! The more research I do what a network of money laundering $hitbags what a shame, there is currently a beautiful 86 Big Block on there I'd love to bid on but shocker paperwork discrepancies imagine that, haven't quite figured out if there is a group of losers driving up the bid...
  4. Fastduramax

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    Huh ? What ? Really ? Salt and liquid calcium chloride (even more corrosive) Is vehicle enemy #1 here on Uranus, which ain't too far from you Buckeye peeps and I know you spread the same $hit on your roads... Hell brand new vehicles here are popping rust holes about the time you make your last...
  5. Fastduramax

    67 Mile V10

    HAHA Love it Toddster ! I'm thinking some serious jail time here !
  6. Fastduramax

    Header clearance front shackle 86 k10

    Haha love it reminds of back in the 80’s/90’s working my ass off but still poor lol, bought Blackjack headers for all my Squares and an extra can of black rattle can header paint, couldn’t afford good Hookers back when they were real Hookers and not owned by Holley… In hind site it woulda been...
  7. Fastduramax

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    Well shiver me timbers !!! Purchasing a Squarebody for a nice ride is a strange new concept but I'll go with it ! Not to mention the economical value of the 4 slices of sheetrock you can haul in a C10 with the gate closed ! With the "original" 1600 miles and Home Cheapo being an average of 10...
  8. Fastduramax

    Icing on the cake !!!

    My next dilemma is location and plumbing of the fuel pressure regulator, my goal was to do it the ultimate correct way but not totally necessary on a NA motor under 800hp but correct none the less... So I have a single inlet dual outlet MRW billet 10 micron filter and all AN fittings to feed...
  9. Fastduramax

    Icing on the cake !!!

    Those are stove pellets JD I have or had 8 ton in the basement when we start burning each stacked 1.5 ton high to fit, made in America too not that place to the north of us... Thanks Mike yup zero interest in a LS, the Bro-Flo I needed was not available at the time of build, I'm adamant about...
  10. Fastduramax

    Icing on the cake !!!

    Well here is a much more finished product, finally set the distributor depth yesterday and a bunch of other small stuff, the Q tip and red distributor are absolutely hideous, I seen a polished aluminum intake on YouTube today that buckhorned into 2 Q tips like the one I have but it was on a SBC...
  11. Fastduramax

    Nice squarebody on BaT

    The dude that ordered that beautiful truck with a mile long bed should be neutered with no anesthesia, jus sayin!
  12. Fastduramax

    BBC 489 build

    Craig your BBC knowledge makes me shiver with honor, I'm tuned into this thread like the last episode of Yellowstone, better yet SOA :happy160:
  13. Fastduramax

    Brought home my first square body. 1980 Silverado C10. Utah

    Hey JD what's up with the angry emoji in my posts lately did I somehow offend you ???
  14. Fastduramax

    Thread sealant on header bolts?

    I highly recommend studs, ARP makes the best kits I did stainless on the 572, and yes liberal Permatex anti seize or as I used ARP torque lube…
  15. Fastduramax

    Icing on the cake !!!

    It still thumps for sure just not super aggressive, learned my lesson building 383’s over the years, I over cammed a couple and they absolutely sucked driving around town…

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