Recent content by blairsj

  1. B

    What gears

    Might of found a 60 with 4.56 gears out of a 84 cucv m1008. Will this bolt right up? Doing the research now, just wanted to ask here also
  2. B

    What gears

    I would love to get a dana 60 for the front just can’t find them. I need a passenger side drop and want kingpins. Shoot its hard to even find ball joint one
  3. B

    What gears

    True on the incline, I live in the santa cruz mountains and when I get to incline i slow down to around 50. Mpg not worried about if I can keep in no lower then 10mpg ill be happy. Right now i get about 12mpg. And yes for what I will most likely be doing with the truck 1tons are over kill but I...
  4. B

    What gears

    Thanks guys, as for ground clearance, I’m thinking about shaving the diff which will give me anywhere from an inch to 2 inches depending on how I shave it, but I’m looking into that and seeing if that’s a long-term reliable option. The website grim jeeper I know about that I’ve been on there...
  5. B

    What gears

    What would be better of the 2? I was thinking 4.56 but will it still be good if I upgrade tire to 38in
  6. B

    What gears

    Hey Guys. Need some gear ratio suggestions. So just got some one tons 14ff rear and getting in a costom 14ff front passenger drop. Going to start building up the rear pulled it out of a 2000 Chevy 3500. They will be going in a 1990 blazer with stock 350 tbi 700r4 and np241tcase. 35in tires with...
  7. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    The egr port you are talking about is the one in the middle of the throttle body?
  8. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    Okay I will look into the obd cable and app, thank you. I’m sure that would be a great tool to have in my arsenal
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    Weird idol and no power when driving

    How would I go about checking vacuum? Looked at all the line and checked a few all seem to be in good order, no cracks that i can see.
  10. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    Some parts needed changing others i just put on because it old. It started a few months ago, really notice it when I drive it up hills like it has no powers pedal to the floor and just barely gets up it. I haven’t checked the fuel pressure at the throttle body but in line after the filter and it...
  11. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    Not sure where the rpm are but it drops low like it wants to cut out then goes back up. I was thinking the clicking was the IAC so i put my ear right by it and it sounded like it was lower, also put my hand on it to see if I could feel it clicking but felt nothing. It is in my plans to get a...
  12. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    Also no obd codes
  13. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    Fuel pressure is good, and no exhaust above o2, just a pin hole at the y pipe
  14. B

    Weird idol and no power when driving

    Have a 1990 TBI 5.7L v8. Starts up fine but after warmed up starts idling funny. Got a new distributor, ignition coil, EGR valve, EGR control solenoid, injector spray fine, PCV valve, throttle position sensor, map sensor, idle air control, oxygen sensor, and and did a throttle body repair kit...

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