Recent content by backwoodsman

  1. backwoodsman

    Looking to buy our first 6.2

    ...most of whom haven't thought through why it might not be the best idea. Sure it'll work fine most of the time. But if you think through what happens to the geometry of a tire on a too-narrow rim when it gets a heavy side load, you'll see that it's going to compromise traction in emergency...
  2. backwoodsman

    Looking to buy our first 6.2

    Tire manufacturers specify the allowable rim width range for each tire. Most of the 285/75-16's I checked specify 7.5"-9", so yes they are too wide for a 6.5" wheel. It seems like a bad idea to run a narrower rim than the tire manufacturer says is OK. I usually run the narrowest rim the tire...
  3. backwoodsman

    Eratic behavior from a 1985 6.2. Requesting help please

    That's a LOT of air, and it's getting into the fuel system somewhere. Normally there shouldn't be any air there. It's hard to start because the injection lines fill up with air and it just has to crank a while to get the air out of them. Make sure the fuel filters are on tight enough to seal...
  4. backwoodsman

    Update: The surging stopped....took me by surprise

    You never responded on the other thread. Did you ever check the fuel return line to see if it's plugged? Is any air getting into the fuel lines?
  5. backwoodsman

    Looking to buy our first 6.2

    The only part of the fuel system you can see is the primary fuel filter/water separator, and it looks to me like both lines are attached. If you're looking at that disconnected pipe on the right side, that looks like an A/C line they removed when they pulled the radiator. It can prime itself...
  6. backwoodsman

    Looking for 13.5v-13.8v voltage regulator

    Voltage regulators are made in lots of different voltages. I just haven't found one in the range I want, except 1-wire, which I'd rather not do. Car manufacturers use the higher voltages so the battery recharges faster; they don't care that it shortens the battery's lifespan, but I do, so I...
  7. backwoodsman

    Looking for 13.5v-13.8v voltage regulator

    I want to be a little easier on the batteries. When you hold a fully-charged battery at a voltage above its float charge voltage, it's being overcharged, which shortens its lifespan. A lead-acid battery's float charge voltage is 13.2v for flooded cell, and 13.5v-13.6v for AGM. They run higher...
  8. backwoodsman

    Looking for 13.5v-13.8v voltage regulator

    Hi all, I'm looking for a voltage regulator with a lower than normal set point, 13.5v-13.8v, for a 12SI alternator. I've seen a 13.5v one-wire regulator, but I'd prefer not to go one-wire. Anyone know where I might find one? Or maybe an adjustable regulator, if one exists. Thanks.
  9. backwoodsman

    Eratic behavior from a 1985 6.2. Requesting help please

    I'd check for a plugged fuel return line. If it's plugged, it can't purge air from the injection pump, and it sort of kicks the cold advance in & out, which can cause surging, and the hard starting happens when there's too much air in the IP for it to get fuel to the injectors. Easiest way to...
  10. backwoodsman

    Gas to diesel

    You'll want to do the math on RPMs with overdrive before you do that swap. I think you'll find it'll make the engine turn too slow, and actually hurt your MPG, or at best, not help it.
  11. backwoodsman

    700R4 started shifting really high RPM

    Thought I'd give an update on this. I never did get around to doing anything with it because, very shortly after my last post above, I found that if I snapped the throttle a few times, the throttle valve would come unstuck and would work normally the rest of the day. After doing that on a few...
  12. backwoodsman

    Anyone else have this "Turbo Diesel" plaque?

    Yep... Mid-'80s Jeep with Renault 2.1L turbodiesel.
  13. backwoodsman

    Cheap defective aftermarket parts….lol

    Not trying to shoot any messengers, just trying to figure out what you're saying. Your photo and earlier description sure made it seem like the flow arrow was backward and the metal end was being treated as the inlet, but now you say it's the outlet, which of course is correct. Did I...
  14. backwoodsman

    Cheap defective aftermarket parts….lol

    That would be the first fuel filter I've ever seen that's supposed to flow in that direction, from the inside to the outside of the element. If I saw one that was marked to flow that way, I'd assume it was marked backward, and install it the other way. If you examine the construction, I expect...
  15. backwoodsman

    700R4 started shifting really high RPM

    Yes it's stock. My understanding is, 1/2 tons got the 700R4, 3/4 tons got the TH400. I assume the reasoning was, 3/4 tons are more likely to get worked a lot harder, and the 700R4 is pretty borderline in a full-size rig even without that, unless it's been rebuilt with some stronger parts. A...

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