Recent content by 75Monza

  1. 75Monza

    Engine lunched itself...need advise

    In theory, yes. But, the first time you get the "bwaaahhh" of the secondaries opening, that thought gets thrown behind the seat for emergency use only. :evillol:
  2. 75Monza

    I broke my new truck

    PW issues also can be the wiring in between the door and the body.
  3. 75Monza

    I broke my new truck

    Use a test probe...honestly, get a mechanic. Will be worth the money in your case.
  4. 75Monza

    I broke my new truck

    Time to grab a good meter and start testing points off the wiring schematic. If you don't know how to test electrical wiring, better off having someone that knows what they are doing or you make a bigger mess.
  5. 75Monza

    I broke my new truck

    Yep, never seen anything about LED's. Hackers are their own worst enemies, lol.
  6. 75Monza

    Engine lunched itself...need advise

    My 383 stroker snapped the crank off right behind timing gear in a wedge so that it could still turn over but ran like total dog turd. Only thing that kept it in place enough to run was gear drive and aluminum timing cover. Drove the thing 20 miles home with a car trailer behind after that...
  7. 75Monza

    I broke my new truck

    Something I found that is related to dash lights... Switch the running lights ON with the dash lamp dimmer rotated all the way counterclockwise. Use a test light clipped to a verified good ground to probe both sides of the Instrument Lamps (INSTR LPS) fuse. If both sides of the INSTR LPS...
  8. 75Monza

    I broke my new truck

    Curious, when you removed/installed cluster was the battery unhooked? Possible you popped a fuseable link out to the starter. Another thing I would check is plugs on back of cluster, if not seated right might have a missing connection through? Also, check the harness plugs on the column for the...
  9. 75Monza

    455 Olds not lining up well in 76 GMC crew....

    I've done offset motor mount plates before...either on the block or on the crossmember using 1/2" plate steel. Have to watch out for exhaust manifold placement though when you do that.
  10. 75Monza

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist. Seems like a bit much, but probably rare so the right person I suppose would want it. Figured I would post it here for kicks. Not mine, lol.
  11. 75Monza

    1977 K5 3000$ OBO!!

    Interesting that the spare is mounted there blocking airflow to the radiator.
  12. 75Monza

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist. Very nice condition, but I want to know where he gets his weed from.
  13. 75Monza

    SBC valve lash?

    I don't know how many, but chevy used solids in some industrial, truck and boat applications too. The carb kit for my '63 283 says it's a boat carb, no clue if it's original or not. Honestly don't remember really seeing specs for an 097 or a 30-30 cam, just "no lash specified". Probably why I...
  14. 75Monza

    SBC valve lash?

    The rough specs I used on my '63 C30. Biggest thing to me was always doing a cold lash then hot lash check, and prefer to do non-running check, but still have my custom pealed back top chevrolet script covers and rocker clips, lol.
  15. 75Monza

    Ford Trash Talk Thread lol

    That would be snow getting into the fins of the radiator, melting then freezing and stopping air flow through. Done that so many times with my plow truck, had to put a piece of cardboard in front so snow wouldn't get in there...and had to put a section of signboard under the radiator area or...

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