Start from step one. Disable the ignition, remove the number one plug.
Get a remote starter switch from harbour freight, they are about 10 bucks. Connect the remote starter switch, put your finger over the number one plug hole, and bump the engine until you feel compression. Slowly rotate the engine until the timing marks line up with whatever your desired initial timing is. Remove the distributor cap, is the rotor pointing at number one plug wire? If not, reclock the distributor. Once that is done,reinstall the cap, put a plug in the number one plug wire, and ground the plug. Loosen the distributor, turn on the ignition BUT DO NOT CRANK THE ENGINE!!!! Spin the distributor back and forth, if you have the engine on number one cylinder compression stroke you should see a spark from the plug every time the distributor spins. If not, go back and find number one compression stroke again.
If you have consistent spark, you can be confident the engine is timed fairly close, and the distributor is installed correctly. Next, remove the distributor cap and rotor. Rotate the distributor until the teeth on the pickup coil line up, or if you have ignition points, rotate the distributor until the points just begin to open. Tighten the distributor. Reinstall the rotor, cap, plug, wire, etc. the engine should start, and the timing should be within a couple degrees of wherever your desired initial timing was.