temp reading

  1. Ikeece

    Temp gauge not reading

    I’ve got an 82 C10 Scottsdale with the 305 in it and ever since i got it, i’ve never had any reading on the temperature gauge. I’ve replaced the temp sender in the block and i’ve tested about three different gauges and you guessed it, still no reading. I’ve tested the gauge in it now with power...
  2. B

    Temp reads 220 after warm up and regular driving, 6.2 Diesel

    Temp question. My 1983 with the 6.2 diesel shows 220 on the gauge with normal driving. I can open the hood and handle the top hose easily as well as remove the radiator cap with no excitement. If I stick a meat thermometer in the radiator opening the temp barely reaches 170. Whats everyone...

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