
  1. P

    1986 C10 on bags. Looking for shock recommendations

    I am currently building a 86 c10 and I’m putting bags on it. Looking for front and rear shock recommendations. I’m going to be driving the truck lower than the standard ride height but I’m not looking to drag the frame or anything like that.
  2. gogo14910

    Daughters ‘87 needs to ride smooth.

    My daughter is taking her 87 tbi off to college soon. We have replaced front end including tie rods, pitman, idler, ball joints(upper/lower) front brake disks, rear drums. We also put on Monroe OE stock shocks for safety at the time. This truck rides like int on the farm, even on smooth hwy...
  3. samblnc

    Mangled Bolt Top Shock Mount?

    I’ve never replaced shocks before. The two front shocks have this mangled looking bolt in the outside face of the shock. Other side (inside) of frame is a nut. Any suggestions on how these are removed before I get myself in a pickle?
  4. Daelus

    C6500 Front Wheel Bearings

    Took possession of an older fire apparatus built on a C6500 today and noticed some pretty bad vibration approaching 50mph. Backing down to 45 smoothed everything out and I was able to make the two hour trip home without issue. This truck only shows 17000 on the odometer, and I have reason to...

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