
  1. B

    Temp reads 220 after warm up and regular driving, 6.2 Diesel

    Temp question. My 1983 with the 6.2 diesel shows 220 on the gauge with normal driving. I can open the hood and handle the top hose easily as well as remove the radiator cap with no excitement. If I stick a meat thermometer in the radiator opening the temp barely reaches 170. Whats everyone...
  2. NJakey

    Overheating engine

    Engine was just slightly hot, so I checked the radiator and didn’t put the cap on tight enough. All my antifreeze burned out obviously, but now that I’ve refilled it and put the cap back on tightly, it’s running hotter than ever worth a FULL tank of antifreeze. I guess it could be water pump or...
  3. Rick Dobbins

    Big Block Cooling w/Electric Fans: DON'T DO IT

    MY STORY: Took out the 350 SBC 4/sp in my '77 GMC C25 and rebuilt a 454 BBC/TH400 from a '74 identical donor truck headed for the boneyard and put it in. I installed "The Best" Dual Fan/Dual Relay set up cuz I also installed the Vintage Air System (which I love). Ran like a raped ape, and...
  4. C

    Engine Temp-Too Cool

    1984 -C10 with a 4.1(250c.i.d.) inline 6. Was doing fine, then one day it would not show warm on the gauge. Replaced thermostat, seemed to work for a little while then back to showing cool. Gauge will not move off of "C". We redid the interior on the truck and my son broke the gauge needle...

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