
  1. D

    1987 GMC Jimmy 4x4 6" lift body mount bushing replacement

    I'm working on my 1987 GMC Jimmy it has a 6" lift. Energy suspension seems to be the only kit i find that is complete. on one of the sites in the description it says " no Lift " and I'm not understanding.. shouldnt it be the same? this is my first time doing this I'm tired of riding feeling...
  2. Powerhouse Ranch

    A/C to Non-A/C Conversion

    I've mentioned it a bit around already, but i am deleting the AC system entirely and installing a factory GM heater box in the Jimmy. It's going to be a summer beast with the top off, i won't need AC. Plus more room under the hood. . . ANYWAYS i had just bought a heater box and heating control...
  3. 1979Jimmy

    Hello all, here are my projects. 1978 crew cab dully and 1979 j

    Finally found a square body form, here are some of my projects I’m playing with.
  4. AyWoSch Motors

    New truck... maybe. Should I?

    So, at my Boss's house there is this 78 GMC Jimmy High Seirra. Used to be his daily, but then got a new truck, and now it sits collecting dust. He said it ran and drove a little over a year ago, still runs good. I'm thinking of buying it. 350, with a edelbrock performer intake and edelbrock...
  5. AyWoSch Motors

    73-75 Chevy Blazer/GMC Jimmy cap and more

    73-75 specific Blazer/Jimmy, full length cap. Off my 75 blazer, white, in good shape. No damage, but paint/clear coat is worn away. Good solid glass on drivers side. Missing passenger side window, but I have another smashed cap with good passenger glass, that goes with it free. Also comes with...
  6. Powerhouse Ranch


    Now i briefly mentioned this in another thread but i didn't gain any traction: I would love to get a step bumper on the back of my '88 Jimmy when the time comes but i know that the original bumper is obviously a different style compared to the steps. The originals bolt to the frame in two with...
  7. Powerhouse Ranch

    Blazer/Jimmy Bench Seat

    Just got my '88 with two tan bucket seats and no bench seat. would highly enjoy getting the bench seat so that more may enjoy the experience. ANYTHING WOULD BE GREAT. thanks guys
  8. Powerhouse Ranch

    Air Conditioning Delete

    SO on the new Jimmy, equipped with factory ac, the entire ac system has been butchered. This includes practically all ac lines cut and the entire ac compressor is gone. What would be the best way to go about this; remove as little as possible and yet still have heater capabilities? Thanks

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