
  1. G

    Quickchange Rear Ends for Square Bodies

    Hello everyone, Just wanted to let y'all know that a Quick Change rear axle is a great option for our trucks. I'm not trying to solicit business, I just think there are a lot of guys that could use one to their advantage. I'm trying to retire :oops: While most of my stuff is aimed at street...
  2. G

    Bigger tires

    So I got a 85 k1500, going to put a 4 in lift on it, has a 350 hooked up to a 700r4, plan on running 35/12.50/18, has 3.73 gears right now, will I have to re gear it?
  3. L

    Heatercore to transmission problems.

    Hey, I just finally had to replace my heater core in my 85 c10, had to special order the core off of summit so it took a few days to get here, the truck had to sit for about 3 days, and was operating just fine until I parked it, I drove it home, now, after taking that heater box off, replacing...

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