
  1. L

    C10 1985 305 stalled and now won't start and choke won't come on

    I need help to start my truck again,I was driving with my brother to the park but once I started going up hill it started to sputter like if it wasn't getting any gas then it died. I walked to get my other truck so I could pull it and when I got back I tried to start it but only stayed on for a...
  2. A

    Strange Uknown Fuel Leak

    Hello all, So I have been smelling raw gasoline from time to time but I assumed it was from my truck not having an o2 sensor installed until I parked in a parking lot today and when I came out There was a large puddle of gas on the ground. I found that it was coming from this random hose in my...
  3. UncleBobbyB

    350 Cutting out at High Idle?

    Hi, I have a 1976 c10 Scottsdale I've been driving for about 2 years with no issue. However the past few months it will intermittently cut in and out when revved up. It isn't like normal sputtering, imagine someone who has the accelerator down, and releases it, and puts it down again the the...

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