
  1. bluex

    Wanna slam that 63-98 C10/C1500? Lets talk about it!

    Lowering your C10/C1500 (1963-1998) So, you want to lower your truck? Got questions about how/why/what to buy? Hopefully this will help with your decisions. I will try to address most of the common questions/issues and give you a good idea of what to look for and anything that will trip you up...
  2. 78Chubby

    Front Tire Width

    Hi all, I've lowered my 78 c10 about 3 inches front and back, and I'm looking for new wheels and tires. I want 20s on it, and I know you can put 20x10s on the back, but is that okay on the front too, or does that make sharp turns iffy? Thanks, Ryan
  3. D

    Newbie Alert

    Just purchased 77 C10 Scottsdale. Wanting to lower it not slam it. Currently sits 31" in front & 31.5" in the rear. This measurement is at bottom of wheel well. Is it possible to do a 4/4 drop since it sits even now. Not wanting to do any notching of the frame. If so what's best way to go. Thanks.

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