
  1. iamtherealJayy

    Holley issues

    I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t know anything about a holley. I’ve never used one. I recently traded my 1986 K10 pos for a 1982 GMC C30 High Sierra(my first gmc aswell) truck was originally a diesel supposedly and swapped to a 350. It’s got a holley carb and that’s about all I know about the...
  2. iamtherealJayy

    Stumble under quick wot

    1978 Chevrolet K10 350/sm465. Today I replaced my distributor because the vacuum advance didn’t work and I was hoping this would solve my issue. So if I’m sitting at idle and just stomp it to the floor it kinda stumbles. Timing should be around 12-14° I can’t read the tab just counted the...
  3. iamtherealJayy

    Quadrabog bogs

    Alright I’ve got another truck with you guessed it more problems. When I bought it I stalled the truck in the road at the guys house when I accelerated quickly, I assumed it was just because it was still cold. Nope, I had the truck up completely to temp today and it most definitely had less to...

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