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  1. Mango

    Cleaning Fuel Injectors

    1989 350, 194,000 miles origional injectors, spray pattern looks good, runs good, gas millage not great! Can or should I clean the TBI in a Ultrasonic Cleaner? and replace gaskets?
  2. Mango

    Quad Shocks

    Hey All Quad Front shocks for a 1989 4x4 burb V1500, replaced them with some random brand from NAPA about three years ago. Feels like I am driving the Flinstone Car, Stock height, Any suggestions on replacements? Also original leaf springs with 198,000 miles
  3. Mango


    Hey All How often do you change your oil in your old Chevy 350 with High Miles ?
  4. Mango

    Wiper Interior Switch

    Hey My Wiper stoped working again, no more intermetint or high low setting just turns and nothing, the click gone. Windshield wash works and wipers enguage. This has happened in the past and replacet the switch in the collum, not that long ago! After market part Does anyone know wher to get...
  5. Mango

    Stiff Steering

    Hey All I have a 1989 Burb with stiff steering will not return to center after making a turn, New Steering gear box Red Head, 4,000 miles ago All new steering components in the last two years New steering shaft aftermarket for jeep Steering pump three years old Replaced the gear box because the...
  6. Mango

    Lower Steering Shaft Bearing

    Hey All Looking for a Lower Steering Shaft Bearing Kit Adapter, Bearing,Retainer Clip, Any leads would be appreciated 1989 chevy burb V1500 350 Also replacing steering shaft with a Jeep wrangler XJ
  7. Mango

    Clicking steering wheel steering shaft

    Hey All I just noticed a slight click in the steering wheel moving it from left to right, i can feel it on the top of the steering shaft under the hood, can wiggle the steering rod at upper connection and ir wiggles< the Bolt is tight??
  8. Mango


    Looking for a muffler that has some sound, Rumble etc Presently have a Flowmaster Super Quiet with the origional CAT 199,458 miles Engine 350
  9. Mango

    Front Brakes Grabbing

    Hey All Front brake are grabbing, at first few stopps gets better when they warm up ? This just started to happen on my 89 Burb replaced brake calipers, Rotors, and pads about two years ago Drive about 125 miles a week I did do a complete brake fluid flush at the same time Any suggestions...
  10. Mango

    Thermostat 195?

    1989 350, What temp stat are you using? I have a 195 and this morning it did not open, Engine temp past 210/ Less than a year old, It was also 17 below zero!
  11. Mango

    Radio FM stations now work randomly

    Radio Question. 1989 burb FM stations worked great, scan and it would pick up most local stations. Now it only pick local stations when i am in town near sending antena Wifes car works at our house perfect but not the Burb?? I will be driving and just static, all of a sudden the radio is...
  12. Mango

    Fuel Additives

    What fuel additives do you use if any, 1989 350, and fuel octaine 97 In the Cold Winter Season
  13. Mango

    Priming a New Water Pump?

    Does know the procedure on how to prime a new water pump? Do you have to prime a New Pump? 1989, 350, 90,000 miles Replaced the pump about a year ago this may be the culprit to the humming whining noise that is very inconsistent does this sitting still while idling especially when cold? May also...
  14. Mango

    Radiator Leaking

    Radiator leaking only two years old ?? Just noticed it a few days ago, all hoses tight no leakes, leaking on drivers side! I installed a power steering cooler and maybe the culprit? on how the attachments are attached to the front my of the rad ??? PITA
  15. Mango


    What Fuel Octane on your 350 TBI
  16. Mango

    Transfer Case Brace

    The Bracket (rod) from the transfer case to other attachment bolt is gone< removed starter to find bolt location, Not a good location for a bolt, Installed a smaller one now its gone 5,000 or so miles later. Does any here know the correct bolt and torque values? Probly should use some Blue Locktight
  17. Mango

    Engine Carbon Cleaning

    What do you use to clean the top end of a engine "carbon Build up" I used Sea Foam when i first accuired the Burban Lot of white smoke not sure if it did anything? 20,000 miles ago
  18. Mango

    Sea Foam

    Does anyone here use Sea Foam in their fuel on a High Milage 350 TBI ? I found the post on sea foam, not going down that road
  19. Mango

    Spark Pluges

    Hey All What pluges do you use in a small block 350 with high miles?
  20. Mango

    5.7nhigh millage what oil do you use?

    What oil do you use in a old high milage engine ??
  21. Mango

    Distributor install

    Installing a new distributor gasket will not seat all the way down marks i made all lined up! tried several times Think the oil pump drive is the issue? Use a long screw driver or turn the engine over by hand ??
  22. Mango

    Oil Leak

    Oil Leak, Head gasket can this leak on the drivers side Back of engine ? Replaced the Intake Manifold recently ant the oil really started to drip it leaked a little before now it really leaking on the drivers side! Pulled things off to replace the intake manifold gasket and saw the Distributor...
  23. Mango

    Rear Main Seal

    Have you used Bars Rear Main Seal Product to stop rear main seal leaks I though I had a small leak that grew after replacing intake manifold gaskets! The oil leak is getting worse now blowing under the truck to the rear axel spotty and more oil on the ground I am convinced its the rear main or...
  24. Mango

    O2 Sensor Testing

    Can you test a Single Wire O2 Sensor with Multi Meter in OHMS
  25. Mango

    Burning Oil At Start Ups

    I Have been getting blue smoke at start ups and getting worse! I have been told running rich O2 sensor Valve seals Piston Rings Running great shut down let it sit for a few,start up no blue smoke 199,000 miles all original Oil Additives? Complete engine rebuild?

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