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  1. born2Run83

    LS swap parts list

    This is a great budget build! I went through Texas Speed for my 224R Cam and valvetrain etc. Engine came from LKQ Online. How many miles does your LQ4 have on it? It’s interesting you did this spreadsheet. It’s literally almost identical to the one I made to keep track of parts needed/bought...
  2. born2Run83

    Engine problem

    When you’re driving it, and is under a load or higher rpm and doesn’t downshift, what do you eventually have to do so it will? Or how does it come to a lower idle and stop to shut the engine down?
  3. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Thank you. And Yeah it’ll prob be hot especially on the seats lol
  4. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Finished redoing the interior, repainted the original rally wheels and ordered some parts for The Swap.
  5. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Sorry for the late reply here. After running vacuum checks and with the gauge and finding a leak near the rear part of the carb gasket, I changed that out and also with the cam having such a lope to the idle, I barely moved the idle mixture screw clockwise. Problem solved! Thank you all for the...
  6. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Update: the photo with two breathers is before. I removed driver side breather and installed oil cap (push in type) and replaced breather on psgr side. Also installed new pcv valve. Idle still rough and dies almost instantly.
  7. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Thank you for adding this vacuum page. I’ll hook up to the engine and use this to see where the readings are.
  8. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    I was able to find that thread in the search and read up on it. Thank you for sharing. It looks like that culprit came down to the Edelbrock intake gaskets. That’s an interesting reason but I have the Performer intake installed on this 350- not sure which gaskets they used to install. I...
  9. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    In this case then they had the pcv valve and breather switched. On the psgr side there’s currently a breather, with a baffle plate right under it- and below the pcv on the driver side is exposure to the rocker arms.
  10. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    The transmission is a TH350- confirmed vis the pan shape. The 3/8” line on the psgr side is the vacuum line that routes across the front of the carb to the pcv valve which is on the driver side. The kick down cable seems to be pulling when I punch it while going down the road at cruise speed...
  11. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    I’ve seen sealer type caps for closing off unneeded valve cover holes on top. I’ll get one of these and remove the breather on the driver side. Thank you!
  12. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    However, I just read up and found this port to be a cooling source for the choke. ‘It says to not plug this line. I will hose clamp everything else though and go from there.
  13. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    This pic shows that open port better. It’s connected to the choke. In the 4160 diagram is shows a hose going from that port to another port just above it near the vacuum secondary assy.. but this carb does not have that. So I will plug it off and give an update
  14. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    I will do that for sure. Good catch! Here are some more pics I just took
  15. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    -3/8” and 1/4” line clamps for the hoses -Gasket between carb and air cleaner The line behind the open hole behind the choke is what runs to the PCV line on the driver side valve cover. I am not sure why this other one is left open! (Previous owner didn’t know much either as he wasn’t the builder)
  16. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    No gasket under air cleaner, yet! I can pick one up tomorrow though. I believe this is a 2007 model 4160 so yes quite old indeed. Going off the stamp near the Venturi.
  17. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Thank you Rusty Nail! Installed stud washers, and rotated vacuum line 1/8 turn clockwise. Stall issue remains :signs8: There isn’t any hesitation on the fuel side when accelerating. Everything is during low idle speeds.
  18. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Brake booster check valve is good.
  19. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Yes it is the 4160 - 600cfm 4bbl. Pics attached.
  20. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    Sprayed around hoses and did not find any changes in idle speed. - I will pull distributor cap off and send pic tomorrow. Work today set me back some. It accelerates well but also noticed when shifting to Reverse, it wants to die even faster then when it’s in park. Park idle lasts about 3-5...
  21. born2Run83

    Vacuum Leak???

    350/TH350 with Holley 600cfm. From 60mph and on it tends to flat line. The idle rpm (no tach installed) seems pretty low, rough and eventually dies at times when in gear with the brakes applied. I took to a local shop that does quite a bit of custom engine builds and they tuned the carb with a...
  22. born2Run83

    Door Panel Refinished

    Soda blasting interesting. I’d be curious to see how that turns out
  23. born2Run83

    Door Panel Refinished

    Those came out nice! Good work sir
  24. born2Run83

    Door Panel Refinished

    refinishing the door panels. Converting the interior from red to black.
  25. born2Run83

    Lower Rear Interior Panels

    Thank you guys I appreciate the feedback. That is what I figured so I will keep it as is. Maybe one day I’ll fabricate some but not this day lol.

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