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  1. born2Run83

    New member 1978 c10 shortbed.

    Looks good! Welcome from West TX. Keep the pics coming!
  2. born2Run83

    LS Swap 5.3 Exhaust Question

    I used the 2.5" outlet Hooker Manifolds as well. Sounds great and solid product.
  3. born2Run83

    New member

    Welcome from West TX!
  4. born2Run83

    Rally wheels

    Great find!
  5. born2Run83

    New From Maryland

    Welcome from West TX! And very cool story! I’m your age. Similar too with having my dad owNing a couple squarebody trucks in my younger days. Long beds but still. Very solid trucks. Glad to see you’re keeping it alive!
  6. born2Run83

    New here from AZ

    Welcome from West TX!
  7. born2Run83

    1987 6.2L 4x4 new to me and new to here!

    Welcome from West TX! Nice looking burb :)
  8. born2Run83

    New guy here with fat fingers.

    Welcome from West TX. Post some pictures when you can! :cool:
  9. born2Run83

    How close are the aftermarket doors?

    LMC probably the best. I ordered Fenders there for LH and RH side. Both lined up very close to the OEMs I had on there. Needed slight adjustments but I believe most will.
  10. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    That looks very clean. Good work!
  11. born2Run83

    Newbie on a mission

    Welcome from West Texas!
  12. born2Run83

    5.3LS won’t rev?

    Try AeroKroil. It’s what we use in the Aerospace industry.
  13. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    LoL it’s definitely stout and built to last that’s for sure
  14. born2Run83

    Hello from West Virginia

    Welcome from West TX!
  15. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    9" Rear End by Quick Performance. 1350 billet yoke. 3.70 gears with 31 spline axles. Rear disc brakes. Custom driveshaft.
  16. born2Run83

    Lowering a 1984 silverado

    Left Picture (Before any lowering) Right Picture: Front: 1" Drop Spring and 1.5" McGaughy's Drop Spindles (2.5" Total) Rear: 2" Drop Shackles and 2" Drop Hangers for (4" Total)
  17. born2Run83

    Looking at a 1985 C10 need some advice

    I agree with the previous comments in the long bed driving the cost down. In Texas, from what I've seen, this truck would go for about $3000-$4500 on a good day. I went through and replaced my interior with LMC parts mostly, and came out to about $1200. Carpet, sound deadener, seat reupholster...
  18. born2Run83

    LS Swap Retuned - Engine won’t start

    Swapped PCM with factory off an '06- and uploaded performance Tune. Truck fired right up and back to normal. Lesson Learned: ALWAYS put a battery charger on battery when messing with the RTD/tuning stuff.
  19. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Yeah that’s a shame too by they’ll pass up a guy with hands on knowledge like yourself that knows how to think and use their brain. Instead they’ll hire someone else that doesn’t understand basic mechanics. Unbelievable
  20. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    That’s so true in the skill set difference. That guy prob didn’t understand completely what you were even doing lol. Crazy how fast the knowledge base seems to be decreasing
  21. born2Run83

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Went to auto part store and bought two wheel chocks for the rear, for when I jack up the front end. I asked the front associate if they carried them and they asked “What’s the Year make and model?”.. I nearly just walked out
  22. born2Run83

    New Member!

    Welcome from West TX!
  23. born2Run83

    Rescued '84 in South Alabama.

  24. born2Run83

    New member with a new project

    Welcome from West Texas! Keep us posted!

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