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  1. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

    Sweet. Also let me know next swap meet down there. I might travel down. Haven't heard of anything up dfw.
  2. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

    Also, depends on rust, body work, how much stripped I guess. Seems like a unique vehicle though.
  3. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

  4. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

    What I found
  5. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

    Really? Three doors? Weird. Now I wish I could see it up close for sure. Looked like a cool ride!
  6. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

    Interesting. Can't wait to get my daughter's project truck going. Never had it on the highway.
  7. Sgt Gus

    What is it?

    Saw yesterday, hummed by me, I was doing 75. Front head lights say 70's. Suburban?
  8. Sgt Gus

    How much more power can a 5.3L make without hurting road manners or gas mileage?

    Yeppers! Gotta close jobs to get paid and have enough extra to fund the truck project. Such is life.
  9. Sgt Gus

    How much more power can a 5.3L make without hurting road manners or gas mileage?

    Nice read over a cup & 1/2 of coffee. Y'all would be great Goin fishing and listening to talk shop over the camp fire. Or at the local dinner anytime. I'll put my daughter's build in the construction thread once the client donations come in, lol.
  10. Sgt Gus

    Where can I get an OEM thermostat for a 1974 Chevy C10 with a 454?

    Perfect pro and cons, or just simple good info. Lol, yes I don't like temp getting to 210° Interesting note, I see this truck has a small metal electric fan on front side, infront of AC condenser. Haven't seen it move or checked out yet. But if related to AC I we still have to fix/replace...
  11. Sgt Gus

    Show your daily driver

    O4 burb my big brother sold me for a $1 when trans in my 03 Silverado died. Use as a work truck and daily driver. Most recent repairs have been replacing front cracked winshield and back window when molded hinges died. Steering gear box next. 5.3L, 4L60E, original miles. Runs superb!
  12. Sgt Gus

    Where can I get an OEM thermostat for a 1974 Chevy C10 with a 454?

    So, what say you guys on going to a 180° vs the stock 195°? I recall this 3/4 ton, 454 was running at 210° before we started tare down. Inside radiator very clean, looks like it was replaced at some point. Should be interesting...
  13. Sgt Gus

    What's the good AC compressor these days?

    Did you get er dun? I went cheap (best deal) through auto parts store on my 04 burb. Replaced compressor, office tube, dryer, not condenser. You tubed took my time. Coldest AC ever! Very satisfying. I will have too on my daughter's square. Clutch locked up. Don't want to go on the...
  14. Sgt Gus

    How many gallons can you put in your gas tank?

    Two dual 20's. On 87 3/4 ton. Plenty of room in the bed for 3rd aux tank. Paint it ECO green. Stencil H2O on it. OK, I'm done.
  15. Sgt Gus

    Old as dirt,but still above it

    I was jumping in on interesting thread, about our truck. We have dual tank TBI. So yes, fuel pump is elect in tank.
  16. Sgt Gus

    Old as dirt,but still above it

    Oh oh. Our passenger side tank wasn't working well. It would students and start to die. I was guessing in tank fuel pump to try 1st. Could be other things?
  17. Sgt Gus

    Bonneville 2023 Sept. 8-10

    I read up. So people stay in Wendover or SLC? I would assume maybe Wendover crowded or gets booked up? Let us know any suggestions where to stay. We can look into. Hopefully we could hang same place maybe, eat together sometime, or be close at least. Two years in a row canceled? Man bet...
  18. Sgt Gus

    Bonneville 2023 Sept. 8-10

    Yes, sounds like fun! Now I know two running... I almost went for 1st time this year. I didn't know it got rained out. When I asked Schrups how his run went he grumbled. So makes sense. Anyway, guess people RV it there? I'll look into. No RV here. I could take the burb, but too hot with...
  19. Sgt Gus

    Bonneville 2023 Sept. 8-10

    I met a local guy goes out here with his beast. He takes it out there to run. Met him downtown at our yearly car show. Downtown Wylie TX.
  20. Sgt Gus

    Tachometer replacement thoughts

    It will be the thing at the 1st square body rally. "Dude, does your clock work?"
  21. Sgt Gus

    1st Annual N. Texas Square Body Forum Truck Rally

    McWha? @82sbshortbed Guess all are doers and not planners. Lol I'm an idea man myself, then I'd show up.
  22. Sgt Gus

    1st Annual N. Texas Square Body Forum Truck Rally

    Next rally? Did it stop in 2021? Anyway square body event would be fun!
  23. Sgt Gus

    Tachometer replacement thoughts

    Hmm, not sure if that would fit the 87 3/4 ton. I'll have to measure a d maybe look I to. I might look into if it will fit the 87 3/4 ton. If hard to find have a couple other options from you guys!
  24. Sgt Gus

    Tachometer replacement thoughts

    I know old thread but, model # and brand? Covering my options.
  25. Sgt Gus



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