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  1. 84c10Tony

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Awe crap, I wrote that in response to reading the new trans cooler setup several pages back...frainbart. Well then, looked at the 2 years of dust in it, sighed, and readjusted the sun shield that was over the seat, tools, and all the engine parts in the pass. side. Due to CA smog rules, can't...
  2. 84c10Tony

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Wow, you guys are "Cooler" than most.
  3. 84c10Tony

    Anyone Used the $22 Brake Bleeder/Vac Pump from HFT?

    Vac About 3 or 4 years ago, I searched the same thing, ended up with the next one up, the Mityvac for $40, when I finally read the directions lmao, it worked. The construction was a much better build to me than the cheaper one. Many years ago, bought the one man B/B, almost the same without...
  4. 84c10Tony

    Which carb do you recommend?

    I get a kick outa' sharing a little humor, helps the day go by that much better. The op might get a little bit of torque out of that 383, ya' think? I wish my hands were working to get my 305 back together...torque or not, just to putt down the road.
  5. 84c10Tony

    Just bought a 1995 GMC C1500

    HR and I where posting at the same time, just took me a lot longer to type lol. Yeah, only run Sea foam or B-12, never both, I personally have only used B-12 about twice a year for 30 plus years, the original cat went out many years ago after some other problems, been ok since. Always follow...
  6. 84c10Tony

    Just bought a 1995 GMC C1500

    Rough idle Have you had a chance to run a can of Berryman's B-12 through the gas tank? And spray the tb with the B-12 spray can, might help before the tune up to have another "clue". One could look at plugs and cylinders for the before and after...might be interesting, Especially with your...
  7. 84c10Tony

    Wicked deal for an auto trans cooler, check it out!

    Well, now you do...cracked me up.
  8. 84c10Tony

    help with an oil leak

    ^^ what he said, last time I had one go like that, the rear of the valve cover cork gasket had dried up and cracked, cleaned it up and replaced with rubber, making sure the valve cover bolt holes were flat, added longer spreader bars with the valve cover bolts torqued correctly, and was it good...
  9. 84c10Tony

    Need advice on mechanical fuel pump

    Excellent info guys!
  10. 84c10Tony

    Choosing a small block for my truck

    Way to go TJ, I liked the stock 350 idea with 5k miles, but a new LB is even better, keep the 350 for a backup!, wish I still Had a backup lol, shit, wish I still had a garage... Also later, if you want more torque, just change the cam. Remember the zddp if it is not a roller on the oil...
  11. 84c10Tony

    Cooling fan horsepower

    ^^ what he said^^...getting closer on being able to live in hillbilly land where I belong, so they can call me a damn yankee hillbilly lol. If the shoe fits...
  12. 84c10Tony

    Which carb do you recommend?

    ^ what he said six months ago...:), so what did you do? ...more pics
  13. 84c10Tony

    Just bought a 1995 GMC C1500

    Fantastic! Good job man! Bolts? hardware store?...Shitty bolts is what you removed...If it was me, fug it and go ARP, no more worries and do it One time. And get a perfect surface plane on the manifolds, make sure the mating surfaces are both flatter than a ...well, Clean, flat and smooth...
  14. 84c10Tony

    New Here and could use some help 1982 K10

    Damn, laughed so hard at that I hurt my neck...
  15. 84c10Tony

    New Here and could use some help 1982 K10

    Aww Crap! Ooops, mighta' done did it now :whymewhyme: I do try to contain myself, sumtimes poop jus' pops out. Oh, I get it now after deep considerate thinking, like "Hi, I am a GMaholic, and my 305 is powerless"
  16. 84c10Tony

    New Kid On The Small Block

    You got a good start, Hot Rod can help with the block info (dat wuz funny HR!) Welcome from another newbie.
  17. 84c10Tony

    1987 GMC v3500

    REsource...definitely found in here, have fun!
  18. 84c10Tony


    Wow, darn nice job man! Next time around, I think it might have been Rich Weyand that mentioned Sean Murphy Induction for a quality carb r/r. Another is Ted's Carb service in Lancaster, Ca, they r/r distributors too.
  19. 84c10Tony

    Newbie from Washington state

    All that...and the wife is down with it too? SPOIL her!
  20. 84c10Tony

    Picked up my '78 C10 today

    Sweet ride! I like patina too and need a clear coat over my 18 year old rattle can job, went to paint the top like what you have there, and got a little carried away. Good fun here you will find, enjoy.
  21. 84c10Tony

    Virginia New Guy

    1. Howdy, 2. have fun, 3. ^what they said, 4. enjoy
  22. 84c10Tony

    New Here and could use some help 1982 K10

    Howdy, I am new here too, lots of good guys and funny stuff , my favorite of all the sites. Look out for the off topic and another like thread, I got stuck reading and laughing All day and forgot what I was doing. Good lookin' project, have fun.
  23. 84c10Tony

    Just bought a 1995 GMC C1500

    cat Could be, looks like the surrounding area all matches obviously, one idea I saw on the tube, plug one side of the y and hook up air to the other side and check if approximate volume of air comes out the tail pipe, odd but what the heck. Also, where a few guys tried to wash them out with...
  24. 84c10Tony

    Just bought a 1995 GMC C1500

    extractors check out and video on youtube
  25. 84c10Tony

    Just bought a 1995 GMC C1500

    Good thinking, years ago had one break, high quality is the way to go there. Spray it yet? and maybe a light couple of taps (needs a center punch hit for the drill bit anyway), spray again and let soak, helps the "tool do the job". Oh, do you have a new bolt btw?

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