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  1. 84c10Tony

    Exhaust single to dual on a tight budget - Then we get into some after issues

    A thought for you, take the heat plate, cut an inch or two away from the ends, bend that into "feet" on the corners for a strap or weld, might work for the application. Then maybe cut out sugar and any HFCS, try some Valerian root for the stress instead of "alcamahol", easier on the system, the...
  2. 84c10Tony

    Should this new guy buy this '85?

    Hmm, since he wants you to tow away his junk, and two mech's didn't make it right?, mech wise, (no offense) your not at the pro level, then "finding a good mech" is a Very Pricey $20k hit with lots of "swing and a miss". the time your done, and it will have problems due to weird swap...
  3. 84c10Tony

    Should this new guy buy this '85?

    Cool!, I see two tons of fun, about 15k when yer' done, got a place to put it inside after serious hose n soap? Like what ^they said, it can all be done, ain't easy. Is your back Really strong? Got one of those over the fender up in the air creeper hoverboard things? And toss the flex fan...
  4. 84c10Tony

    Should I trade for a Square?

    Hmm, now that update is in? Uh...NO, not a good deal for you. A while back had a 400 swapped in (different vehicle), ended in $4k of bad dreams. After that fiasco, thought I had learned something...nope, still learning. Had a college try to do a rebuild on my 84 305 at 200k (g/f's father was...
  5. 84c10Tony

    Should I trade for a Square?

    I don't know much about a plow, (years of manual shoveling in Michigan) but if it has this kit? It read it should be even better. So, my thought was, how about putting a plow on what you have now?, about 5k of stuff?, plus or...
  6. 84c10Tony

    Vent Window/Back Window Questions

    Well, after my dad said something to the effect of "people have a grand of crap in their garage, and a thirty grand vehicle sittin' outside". Hmm, Nice shed time, finished and painted to look like your house, it will help sell the one car garage house for the next guy/girl/wife etc., and...
  7. 84c10Tony

    This is probably a bad idea, but I'm too cheap to pay for a tow.

    Short note, some auto ins policies have towing included, or reimbursement. Long note, when Murphy's law applies to towing, (we already know), how much is Your Deductible? Going into town, in that area? hmm...
  8. 84c10Tony

    Engine lunched itself...need advise

    If you get tired of the fun, try this, (or just a R.W. setup 350)... I would like to have the 350 set up that Rich Weyand did, makes the most sense to me.
  9. 84c10Tony

    305 to 454 Engine Swap?

    True, hmm, instead of doing all that work, then fix trans, brakes, computers, fuel delivery, on n on etc... how about keeping both for what they are built for? need to mess with the engineer's design. Maybe a slight upgrade or improvement. Drop a set of 3.73 or 3.91's in the C10 for all...
  10. 84c10Tony

    305 Swap To ???

    If you would like some great info...check out Rich Weyand's posts here, awesome intelligent guy with common sense. "Simplicity and Torque". My ol' 84 with a 305/700r4 cruised just fine, (even better with a Detroit Tru-Trac and 3:73's). Got 18mpg right off the bat during break in. Best was...
  11. 84c10Tony

    Gentlemen, take a look at this wierdness...odd "crack" in diff housing

    Hiya!, Good catch for info and thinking. Looks like basic casting error to me and doesn't hurt anything. If it needed my piece of mind, for my piece of mind later, I would think of something to fill it in, JB weld comes to mind. I have had that "opportunity" maybe a half dozen or so times in...
  12. 84c10Tony

    GM Balanced Crank Pulley Alternative

    Well, this is what I found so far... John @ Damper Doctor [FONT=Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Email: [email protected] Phone: (530) 246-2984 Fax: (530) 246-2987 Shipping Address: Damper Doctor 1055 Parkview...
  13. 84c10Tony

    Welcome from Poland!

    Welcome, cool burb you got there, hello from Southern California
  14. 84c10Tony

    Just bought my first truck!

    Hello! Welcome to the site, nice choice, had an 84' stepside, favorite style. Enjoy the adventure!
  15. 84c10Tony

    New to the Forum

    Good job man, now That has gotta' feel awesome! Welcome to the site.
  16. 84c10Tony

    Which Tranny do I have

    Trans, trans, tranny is a whole nuther' thing. Uh, escuzie!...just had to click lol. Oh, wait...never mind.
  17. 84c10Tony

    Valve stem seals info needed and is it worth while in my case?

    Now that it runs well, (good job btw), logically, run it for a year or two till the dog is fixed up, the Cherokee is fixed up, the "do list" is fixed up ( already know). Heck, you might just cruise a tad slower for a whole lot longer...frugally. Enjoy the ride, we get only one, no...
  18. 84c10Tony

    Valve stem seals info needed and is it worth while in my case?

    What an ordeal, several years ago, tried the same thing with seals, about the same as what transpired here on my 84' 305. Tried the bar, and the small wind down pinch type (forgot name), finally found out the shop at the college put in an older engine, 77' Caprice 305, sheesh. No wonder seals...
  19. 84c10Tony

    83 C10 oil pressure gauge not working

    Good info, cool beans, thanks guys...
  20. 84c10Tony

    Age of our members

    Mid 60's, that's just the way I like most of my vehicle choices (half that for girls lol). Horsepower n torque is down, started with a big block, now down to a small block, (as long as I don't feel like a clapped out 4 banger), it's OK considering all the dents, dings, damage and falling down...
  21. 84c10Tony

    Driver's side rear view mirror mishap and ordeal

    The things we do,...for a little screw.
  22. 84c10Tony

    Charging system WEIRDNESS, need advice

    Cool Kevin, that was fun trying to think again, well, at least everything is clean, shiny and grounded fer' sure now. And then... I got lost for a long time looking at Coggedbelt's evening expen'da'tures of time and hard work, it is surely appreciated (nsfw)
  23. 84c10Tony

    New Member - 88 Suburban in Arkansas

    Sweet start and great background....welcome!
  24. 84c10Tony

    Charging system WEIRDNESS, need advice

    Same here a long time ago, it was a ground, ground it and cleaned it, and all the connects, finally worked. another time, I replaced the old (crusty inside) cables, all worked after. Peeled the insulation back and found the odd issue. Another time, the internal regulator quit regulatin' juice...
  25. 84c10Tony

    Poll -Would doing a LS swap in a CLEAN 1987 V10 INCREASE to DECREASE VALUE?

    How about leaving it alone and stock? just daily drive it. Then "pickup" an LS truck, spend all you want, enjoy both for about the same cash, so many choices.

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