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  1. guitarfreak235

    sound system questions

    sorry i didnt reply quicker. but anywho theres not a whole lot of top quality speakers that'll fit in the stock locations. you can get some good 3.5 inchers but theyd probably need some crossovers... but honestly if you want plug and play stuff 3.5 inchers are not gonna be great, but may be...
  2. guitarfreak235

    Audio gurus come on in!

    are you willing to do any custom work? or do you want speakers for the stock locations and a prefab sub enclosure?
  3. guitarfreak235

    Anyone know about dash pad carpets?

    I was meaning more of ones that cover the entire dash pad not just the top
  4. guitarfreak235

    sound system questions

    you can buy tweeters that come with crossovers such as these id put some tweets in a small custom (yeah i know) panel in the corners over the dash. i could recomend some speakers but i need to know if you want more quality or...
  5. guitarfreak235

    Anyone know about dash pad carpets?

  6. guitarfreak235

    sound system questions

    Ok haha, well where are you willing to put speakers? Just in the stock locations? And are you looking for sound quality or loudness? .... And bass?
  7. guitarfreak235

    Anyone know about dash pad carpets?

    I basically hate the appearance of my dash pad but don't feel like forking over 200+ for a new one and don't want a cheap plastic cover. I read on over at 67-72 trucks that there is a fitted carpet cover for like 10 bucks but the thread was older and it is not sold where the poster was talking...
  8. guitarfreak235

    sound system questions

    Well 200-300 dollars is way different from 2000-3000. Are you willing to make custom enclosures and make crossovers? Or would you prefer plug and play things like prefab enclosures and coaxial speakers?
  9. guitarfreak235

    sound system questions

    Do you have a particular budget? That would help narrow down your options
  10. guitarfreak235

    sound system questions

    when i get the money to redo mine i plan on putting tweets up in the dash corners aimed on axis and putting speakers in the kicks. honestly you sound like a simple set up would be sufficient. if i were you id replace the stock ones with new coaxials and put a sub or two behind the seat. unless...
  11. guitarfreak235

    Lift blocks

    They are close to the length of the stock ones. They fit nicely just be sure to bend the bars down to hold them flush to the pack so in the long run they don't wreak havoc haha. I've bent mine since but they are not yet in the pic... Well not fully
  12. guitarfreak235

    Lift blocks

    id say a set of front add a leaves would be the safe cheap option. i got my set for 80 bucks
  13. guitarfreak235

    First stereo build...

    well just to be clear that only works when all the numbers are the same haha
  14. guitarfreak235

    First stereo build...

    absolutely incorrect series ADDS. parallel: 1/Rtotal= 1/r1+1/r2.
  15. guitarfreak235

    First stereo build...

    matching amp to speakers? not really much of an issue. you cant underpower speakers, and a large amp wont fry em if you dont turn it up too loud. some people put a strong emphasis on headroom. as far as resistence, thats not an issue as long as you dont go too low. most are good down to 2 ohms...
  16. guitarfreak235

    Car audio question thread!

    the work may be a little more but id go with the dual din. less moving parts to break and its an awkward spot for that to be fliping out in my opinion. also ive seen the dual din before in a square and it looked nice in that spot
  17. guitarfreak235

    Dual front shocks

    haha i was saying it'd make the ride worse though, i would think itd affect the ride, but im probably wrong. interesting though, haha i almost did the dual shock thing too but didnt feel like shelling out the money. next time i get shocks i may just put one in the second location and not the...
  18. guitarfreak235

    What was your first Vehicle?

    ... the very vehicle featured in my avitar :crazy: woo-hoo! seriously so glad this is my first vehicle ive learned so much you just cant learn by being told
  19. guitarfreak235

    Dual front shocks

    i believe the after market ones are just different lengths like you said. heck here we go disagreeing on suspension stuff again... can we agree that they dont NEED the extra shocks then? haha :shrug: id be interested to see the difference that people could tell in a more forgiving spring...
  20. guitarfreak235

    Dual front shocks

    Reason I ask is if they were the stock shocks the second one has much lighter dampening so it wouldn't be the same as doubling up aftermarket shocks
  21. guitarfreak235

    Dual front shocks

    Just curious were they the same shocks?
  22. guitarfreak235

    Dual front shocks

    stiff springs man. dual shocks will give those springs better control but it would make the ride even stiffer...
  23. guitarfreak235

    Dual front shocks

    if you buy 2 new shocks itll be way too stiff. the only time someone needs dual shocks is when they do high speed runs so it dissipates heat better. 2 shocks doing the work of one. but with those nice dual shock setups the dampening is adjusted on the shocks. with the shocks i expect you to get...
  24. guitarfreak235


    my carbed k10 did great with flowtechs headers. under 200 shipped, but i have to modify the central bumpstop bracket if i wanna put that back on. otherwise i recommend it

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