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  1. guitarfreak235

    Stock spring rate

    cmon guys i know i ask some nooby questions, but i apreciate any help i can get cuz yall have way more experience
  2. guitarfreak235

    ???Sound system for 85 chevy K30????

    If you are willing to cut the dash pad you can put 4 inch speakers in front like i have or you can put 3.5 inch speakers in the stock location underneath the pad.
  3. guitarfreak235

    Stock spring rate

    After some searching I decided to do an add a leaf. Seems to be cheaper and easier. Also for the rear springs couldn't I do a hellwig adjustable helper spring instead of a traditional add a leaf? That way I could adjust them if I'm carrying anything and they still cost the same as the tuff...
  4. guitarfreak235

    Stock spring rate

    Im looking at new leaf springs for my truck and am curious what the stock spring rates are for a half ton? I think the stock ride is a little harsh
  5. guitarfreak235

    Cleaning up the cooling system

    my radiator was in similar condition, basically had slop in it. i used a flush kit that pumps water in/out while the engine is idling using a garden hose. did this once a day for a week or so for about 15 minutes. i then used radiator cleaner for one final flush and it stays very clear now...
  6. guitarfreak235

    Off roading

    i figured those guys were idiots. they ended up worse off than i was stuck sideways in a ditch. some dude with a four wheeler pulled me out and i left em haha
  7. guitarfreak235

    Off roading

    Couldn't agree more, worst that would likely happen if I tried to pull him would be spinning the tires
  8. guitarfreak235

    Off roading

    Yeah I figured. I just didn't argue with all of em cuz I already looked stupid enough stuck with my road tires in barely any mud.... Lookin like a fool already haha
  9. guitarfreak235

    anyone know about this grill guard?

    Wow I will need to try that
  10. guitarfreak235

    Off roading

    Exactly! I figured he had just abused the engine. Dumbass haha... But I'll forgive em for that cuz they also said my truck was too nice to be offroading :)
  11. guitarfreak235

    Off roading

    Yea but would I really blow my engine pulling them? Doesn't sound right to me.
  12. guitarfreak235

    Off roading

    Ok so i went off roading today... Needles to say I got stuck... Need to get mud tires. But any way some other guy got stuck and I offered to help. He asked what engine I had and I said 305. He said nah he'll wait cuz I'll blow a 305 tryin to pull him out. Said I needed a 350 instead. Is there...
  13. guitarfreak235

    add a leaf

    I have ran into something else... In addition to shock length you can get different valving for the shocks. 255/70 seems to be standard, would this be a good choice? Are you guys familiar with the valving ratings?
  14. guitarfreak235

    add a leaf

    ok thanks that is helpful, but could i just measure the distance between the axle and the bump stop? then i could see if at maximum compression the shocks could handle it
  15. guitarfreak235

    add a leaf

    thanks for the info, is that for the 4 inch lift? also, my truck came with the quad front shocks, so which 5150s would i use for the second set? and if i have shocks a certain length for a 4 inch lift, could i go ahead and install them without the lift? Or could that damage the shocks?
  16. guitarfreak235

    add a leaf

    Ok thanks that is helpful, one more question. With a 4 inch lift do you know what the compressed/ extended lengths would have to be? The reason I ask is because I am looking at the bilstein 5150 series shocks which aren't made specifically for our trucks
  17. guitarfreak235

    add a leaf

    That's the thing, I'm not sure whether I want a 4 inch or 2 inch lift for my truck, but what would I possibly have to do to the drive shaft with a lift? Also... I'm thinking a 2 inch lift is the way to go because of steering driveshaft etc... With a 2 inch lift will I need new shocks? And will...
  18. guitarfreak235

    add a leaf

    i am looking at the tuff country add a leaf kit for my k10, what are the pros/cons of add a leaf versus a lift kit? or just new leaf springs?
  19. guitarfreak235

    speaker set up

    ok well if you're looking for a slim sub the kicker cvt's are nice, they are a solid sub and have a good price. i run 2 12 inch cvts and they do the trick
  20. guitarfreak235

    anyone know about this grill guard?

    ok the lmc tubes are a bit smaller i think....
  21. guitarfreak235

    anyone know about this grill guard?

    Where did you get it? And how thick are the side plates? Because the ones from lmc are 5/16 inch I believe
  22. guitarfreak235

    speaker set up

    ... Are you implying you have more than one sub?? If so and you plan on getting a different kind of sub, you need to make sure that they are not sharing the same airspace, The reason for this is that different subs have different specs and sensitivity ratings, and when they are running they will...
  23. guitarfreak235

    white rust removal

    im talkin about the trim that goes around the whole truck and the panel on the back of my truck, i think its aluminum but im not sure
  24. guitarfreak235

    white rust removal

    does anyone know an easy trick to get all the white rust off of trim parts? or do i just need to buy an aluminum polish?
  25. guitarfreak235

    anyone know about this grill guard?

    i knew they used the same bolts but i didnt know if the mounting tabs could go between the bumper and the bumper guard or not

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