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  1. LilRobert1367

    Heat Riser/Stove pipe on an open air filter Help!

    I have an open air filter on My 79 C20, Since I live in colorado I want to connect the Heat Riser/ Stove Pipe to the open air filter. I was wondering if anyone has any idea on how I would do that? I have an idea of using a 1 1/2 in flexible exhaust pipe and maybe welding an exhaust flange to the...
  2. LilRobert1367

    Question about the EGR-TVS vaccum lines.

    With the EGR-TVS, I know that one of the line connect to EGR and the canister with a tee and the other line should connect to the carb but what port on the carb should the other line for the EGR-TVS connect to on a Monojet carb? The truck was converted to run off propane since they used it at...
  3. LilRobert1367

    Throttle cable bracket question...

    By commercial I kinda meant that it didn't have any bells and whistles. The interior is really basic and bare bones compared to my grandfather other squarebody. Yeah I have the newer style of throttle cable. I made a few brackets until I came up with one that worked. The third one is the one...
  4. LilRobert1367

    Throttle cable bracket question...

    Its a 4 speed CH465 transmission, my bad for not adding that detail in it. Also it was a commercial truck, they used it at My Grand-Uncle propane dealership in the early 80 until my grandfather bought it in 87. He only used it as a wood truck from there on til his death in 2000. The truck only...
  5. LilRobert1367

    Throttle cable bracket question...

    Sorry for the pic. I took the pic of the carb when I first got it so everything is dirty and covered in dust. The carb is off the truck as of now since I'm going to rebuild it and its in piece as of now. So the choke was facing the radiator. My goal as of now is just getting the truck running. I...
  6. LilRobert1367

    Throttle cable bracket question...

    Its a 4 speed manual.
  7. LilRobert1367

    Throttle cable bracket question...

    I have a 79 C20 250 with mono-jet carb it was originally converted to run on propane which I'm converting it back to gas. During the convert it back to gas I've noticed that there are something missing but for one the throttle cable bracket is completely gone. Whoever originally did the...
  8. LilRobert1367

    What my interior color?

    Thats a good idea, I don't think I would have thought of that. Thanks for that idea Craig!
  9. LilRobert1367

    What my interior color?

    I thought I would do a little update on what color of green it is. I been in talks with USA1 Industries about it, at first they told me that Chevy never offered that color of blue/green but after emailing back an forth several time, they were able to figure out it is Meadow Green which was a...
  10. LilRobert1367

    Rocester Monojet Idle Stop Solenoid

    I was wondering if the Idle stop solenoid on the Monojet is necessary? I recently got my grandfather 1979 C20 it ran on propane but I am currently converting it back to gas. I noticed that the Idle stop solenoid electric connection point is not there anymore. I've been looking for the Idle stop...
  11. LilRobert1367

    Hood Sticks

    I took the hinges off of the hood and there was a lot of play in them so I think your right the hinges are bad on it. The hinge on the drivers side was the one that had a lot more of play in it then the passenger side which the driver side is the side that the hood was sticking. I ordered some...
  12. LilRobert1367

    Hood Sticks

    Here is the pics on where it catching. I was unable to get a pic of the issue happening but you can see where the bolt paint is chipped but also where the metal is deformed from where the bolt hits the side of the hole on the hood.
  13. LilRobert1367

    Hood Sticks

    I don't know how I'm going to get a pic of where it sticks at just because of the location. I will try and see if I could get a pic of it in the morning. I think I have an idea on how to take the pic.
  14. LilRobert1367

    Hood Sticks

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this issue out. The hood to the C20 that I am fixing up sticks on the large bolts that stick up on the firewall. No matter how I adjust the hood it still stick to the bolt on the drivers side. Anyone have an idea on what I could to do to...
  15. LilRobert1367

    What my interior color?

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me my interior color? I recently was able to get my hands on my grandfather's 1979 C20, I want to keep the interior the same color but I can't figure out the green color. Can anyone help me figure it out?

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