i had a 83 s10 about 10 years ago with a electric pump that would vapor lock after driving on the highway turned out if i opened the gas cap a little it would start pumping fine because the tank didn't vent at all.
I would place a heat shield around the electric pump and i would recommend a edelbrock brand electric pump.
or mount the pump on the frame further back away from the exhaust
:wtf: Well i was not expecting to find another member with the same first and last name as me but if you want to know something some of the wells in kentucky moved to texas in the 1940's so that will give you something to think about :crazy:.
Kennedy machinist boxes are usually brown but i have seen red ones but only in automotive construction plants that was a long time ago when i worked for GM Corvette assembly in Bowling Green, KY
One more thing you need to consider a vocational college for your skills and get set up to work in a automotive dealership. Yeah there is BS constraints and terrible people to deal with but the $$$ is really good.
Drove the square to work to the city today and picked up some distributor parts. Maybe i can get those changed and recurve the dist to get some economy out of it.
If you are going to run headers here is one small mod i recommend to prevent header leaks on exhaust ports. Cut the supporting flange between the ports so the header has less chance to leak.
I paid bills and bought groceries with mine and what ever was left of it i filled my propane tank so i will be set for the fall and winter.
Only thing my square needs is gas to be $1 per gallon so i could afford to drive it everyday.
If you want to you can use in a drop in replacement freon and it is capable with the refridgerant oil used by R12.
It is called R426A you don't have to change a thing and it is just as efficient as R12 and works much better than R134A.
I have been eye ballin that power torque electric 1/2 impact at oreilly auto. I use one at work and that thing does awesome on rusty hardware and the price is affordable. Does anyone here have one...