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  1. B

    1987 454 TBI stalls at idle after a short time

    For all of you, here's a couple basics. The ECM connectors can built up light corrosion and cause intermittent issues. Unplug the ECM and use some electrical cleaner or WD to clean both sides then blow out any residue. Open the little 2 screw cover and rock the large chip slightly so it will...
  2. B

    1987 454 TBI stalls at idle after a short time

    The cable comes with a CD or optional thumb drive full of free software. For the C3 ECM like your 1227747, I prefer to use winaldl. Much easier than tunerpro for beginners. Following directions is key. Everyone want to just grab the cable and plug it in and then complain when it doesn't work...
  3. B

    1987 454 TBI stalls at idle after a short time

    Here's my reply to you msg on ____________________________________ Best to post in the injection forum then PM. Reviewed the link, you have several issues going on. Looks like you have the AZFT chip in the 1227747 ECM. Should be on the paper label and the silver foil on the...

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