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  1. squaredeal91

    Don’t know what to do about shocks

    Other than shocks I'd say you're truck looks really good. Dig the visor too!
  2. squaredeal91

    350 sounds like a diesel engine

    Just rewatched the video a couple times. and it sounds like valvetrain either out of adjustment or your using way too thin of oil or low oil pressure. Have you changed oil yet? What weight did you use
  3. squaredeal91

    Don’t know what to do about shocks

    Thread 'Time for new shocks. Look at these!'
  4. squaredeal91

    Repositioning Tilt Steering Column closer to dash

    Good idea. It's a gm column,should fit right lol
  5. squaredeal91

    83 resurrection

    Something attached to your front bumper? I had a square once with a fold Down license plate bracket that worked as a step. Was actually a nice add on.
  6. squaredeal91

    83 resurrection

    Welcome! Look forward too seeing this come along
  7. squaredeal91

    Original Overlander, 1955 Chevy 3800 Van

    It's so cool! Wow
  8. squaredeal91

    OEM Breather replacement

    Your engine will give more performance with less Cold air than all the hot air you can give it. (Naturally aspirated speaking)
  9. squaredeal91

    Bowler Clutch pedal?

    Could a guy modify the linkage pedal for hydraulic and have master under floor with remote reservoir on firewall? Maybe I should dig out my hydraulic and mechanical pedals and look at them side by side for comparison. I did this on a mechanical bell housing to use hydraulic with it.
  10. squaredeal91

    Cowl Induction or stock?

    Its your truck not mine but if it were mine then Stock rally wheels and Cowell hood fir the win
  11. squaredeal91

    1994 454 TBI High Idle

    Thank you. Didn't know that about egr valves. Basically it would make it run like crap?
  12. squaredeal91

    Old,doesn't mean bad New,doesn't mean works correctly.

    Agreed. I feel so many get discouraged and abandon these projects because of this. So sad
  13. squaredeal91

    1994 454 TBI High Idle

    correct. If plunger is all the way out and you leave wire off it should barely idle if at all. At least in my experience that's been the case.
  14. squaredeal91

    1994 454 TBI High Idle

    Another thought. Is your tps slotted or is it just one position? If it's one position and it's off on volts I'd replace it. Could also be egr like you mentioned. Remove and plug egr valve hose and Maybe try tapping on egr valve base when running and see if it closes and changes idle? Maybe...
  15. squaredeal91

    1994 454 TBI High Idle

    Could still be iac. Other things in play like TPS could be related, I would remove the iac and clean it and pull the plunger out by hand reinstall but don't plug it in. Restart engine and see how it is? If it doesn't start try giving it a little throttle to keep it alive. If you can get it to...
  16. squaredeal91

    Fuel pump pressure problem?

    Either fuel pump like mentioned. Or it could likely be sucking air before the pump. If it's sucking air before the pump then it will not leak any gas Making it more difficult to find.
  17. squaredeal91

    1992 RS Camaro. First car for Der Burger.

    Maybe I should go get that hood lol
  18. squaredeal91

    1992 RS Camaro. First car for Der Burger.

    Special delivery. @bucket here's the hood Translation please
  19. squaredeal91

    GMT 400 W/T

    At the least it's a good parts rig
  20. squaredeal91


    My problem was too much liquid encouragement. Same night I broke both driveshafts. One looked like an ice cream cone haha
  21. squaredeal91

    Square Body C3500 steering shaft swap

    I wonder why my 1991 GMC 2wd 3500 doesn't have one? Thats what i want it for. Must have been replaced once before I got it.
  22. squaredeal91


    Thats pretty cool! I could use extra t-case support because I've broken a pedestal once and it wasn't cheap lol
  23. squaredeal91

    Square Body C3500 steering shaft swap

    What year c3500 did you use for application?
  24. squaredeal91

    GMT 400 W/T

    Ouch!! Everything hurts more when it's cold. Makes me think of that one Clint Eastwood movie lol

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