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  1. S

    Mirror correct for ‘81?

    While "dumbo" might not be a flattering term for a mirror, most folks know what your talking about no matter the year or make of truck. My square came stock with the "dumbo" mirrors and I cannot image the stock mirrors would be terrible for me. Especially with the hauling and towing I like to...
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    Ever dealt with GM crate motor warranty replacement?

    Yes, that's right I must have fumbled a letter or was just tired. I assume spell check did that for me.... I really didn't get into how comprehensive insurance has saved my butt. In the mid-90's I owned a 88 Olds Delta 88, I was a 1,000 mile from home and put a hole in the gas tank when a...
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    86 C10 H-code needs a new distributor, recommendations? anything to avoid at all cost?

    I think the biggest thing is that sometimes the aftermarket distributors aren't calibrated properly or don't have a very good compactor for electrical interference, so hang on to the old distributor incase you have to swap springs and weights or whatever over to the new unit, if it doesn't want...
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    Show your daily driver

    I hate have a vehicle I can't trust.
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    700R4 Information Thread

    My unit was an 84' that had not had any upgrades when my builder took it apart, though he thought it might have been rebuilt once early on. I sat down with him and we went over how I would be using the transmission and what upgrades he could do. I told him my budget he worked with in that to...
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    starter rebuilding - advice needed

    WOW thanks everyone for your responses, ideas, and support. I'll start responding at the top. @RustyPile I missed those days. I didn't get going until the mid-90's, but I do remember shops dedicated to rebuilding starters and alternators, frankly if the guy I use to use was still around I'd...
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    starter rebuilding - advice needed

    Ok I have no idea what you are trying to say in your last message Rusty I going to believe you are trying to be funny because if not you're being offensive. And WTF on the pic request I ain't even done any work yet! Regardless I want to circle this back around to rebuilding the starter...
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    starter rebuilding - advice needed

    Right, I can see how you'd come to that conclusion and it was my first thought. I probably should have said, that it was cranking slow all the time, but worse in cold weather. And at the time I did clean up the grounds and ran voltage drop tests on the cables. Replacing the starter did fix...
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    starter rebuilding - advice needed

    Ok so I replaced my starter about a year ago. I bought a high quality new unit and I've never been happy with it. It cranks the engine over just fine, but it's a bit noisy when cranking you know it doesn't mesh quite right with the flywheel. It's not terrible, and I've tried shimming it and...
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    Rust Repair Under Molding/Trim

    @1980 Big Ten I think it'll be fine, sanding how you did is better than no sanding at all, if your really concerned take it off. It's still in the curing stages you might very well be able to get most if not all of the primer off with lacquer thinner, then sand whatever is left behind and prep...
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    Rust Repair Under Molding/Trim

    @1980 Big Ten Looks like your doing good work there! I'm in no way shape or form a body or rust expert, but I have done minor to major rust repair. The worst was the roof under the vinyl top on my 77 Cadillac. So in that case I had big holes, and had to rebuild the windshield channel. But...
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    Ever dealt with GM crate motor warranty replacement?

    That's actually a really good idea @EastAustinSawdust if you have full coverage on the truck, and GM turns you down try insurance next. At the shop I had a customer who got a rebuilt engine installed in his mid-90's GMT-400 with 200K+ because he had a metal rod kicked up on the highway that put...
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    Tune up, than banging sound?

    @Dano500 I'm not trying to be difficult but as I said before without being able to hear it we are all just guessing. Firing in the exhaust manifold I suppose could be described as "banging". If it came up after the tune up I still question the firing order. Obviously a bad valve could cause...
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    Ever dealt with GM crate motor warranty replacement?

    I cannot speak to GM specifically and I wish you the best of luck, but 5 years past the warranty end I hold out little hope. But it's still worthwhile to call and try you never know.
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    Head Lite set up

    Thanks Randy and Easton I really appreciate the kind words. Not everyone is like you and all to often people don't show much if any appreciation, or maybe they simply forget to return to the thread to say anything, which would probably be easy to have happen. So it's genuinely nice to get a...
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    Hot wire junction block

    @Black gold I really hope you are soldering and shrink wrapping repairs as you go and that wire in the picture that you twisted together and taped is a one off. That kind of thing invites moisture into the wiring and in a few years you have wiring damaged so badly you are now having to replace...
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    Parking Light Puzzle

    Those socket brushes are great! @1980 Big Ten No higher voltage sent to the turn signal, the difference in brightness is because there are two filaments in the bulb, and one filament is higher wattage than the other. Think of the old 3 way lamp bulbs for your house, same principle. Like...
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    Hot wire junction block

    I do, and @Turbo4whl Wayne is exactly right, it's just a connecting link. The reason it's there I think is so various trim packages or options could be added or subtracted with less impact on the basic wiring of the truck. @Black gold Personally I think eliminating it is kind of pointless...
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    Head Lite set up

    Glad to have been of some help to someone.
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    Softopper - I've been waiting for

    @Turbo4whl Wayne, to bad, seems like so many places I liked have gone away....
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    Softopper - I've been waiting for

    Oh ya, I love the horsey sauce, so much so that there is a bottle in my refrigerator! Were there Rax's in your area? They are all but gone now but there were quite a few of them in the 80's and into the 90's. They were a lot like Arby's but a little different. They had a BBC which stood...
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    Head Lite set up

    @Woodman77 Well yes and no, are the low beams double filament? As in are all 4 headlights on when it's on high beam? If yes then adjust the low beam headlights, kick it on to high beam and adjust the high beam only lights until they are aimed at the exact same spot as double filament high...
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    Head Lite set up

    @Woodman77 Woody, there is a few ways people do this, so you might get a few different ways posted, but they are all a means to the same end. You need flat ground, and a wall, preferably a light colored wall. You want to measure 20' off the wall. Now you can either park so your front bumper...
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    Softopper - I've been waiting for

    @Grit dog What does a guy have to go off of to determine 80 or 180K? petal wear, general condition, carpet wear that's about it. The current carpet in the truck was worn out when I got the truck and it doesn't look like an OEM carpet to me. The top part of the carpet has a relief cut in it...

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