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  1. emtrichel

    Desperately Need Help! Extreme coolant leak!

    I'm sure that I'm probably one of the least knowledgeable on this forum, so please forgive me. How does one check freeze plugs? Also, I don't have pics of the coolant running out, but I can provide pictures of the area in question.
  2. emtrichel

    Just got first squarebody, joined forum because I need help!

    I just got my first squarebody, a 1979 Chevy 1500. Its in.. decent shape. Seller disclosed a coolant leak, and pointed out that it was coming from a crack where the lower hose (from radiator to engine) meets the engine. After overheating, parking, and letting it cool, I added a gallon of coolant...
  3. emtrichel

    Desperately Need Help! Extreme coolant leak!

    Recently purchased a 1979 Chevy 1500. Runs good, definitely needs some help. Seller disclosed that there was a coolant leak, and pointed out where the lower hose from the radiator to the engine is cracked. It is cracked right at the hose clamp on the engine end. After overheating, I pulled off...

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