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  1. mtnmankev

    ignition timing crazy

    If the timing chain is stretched, it will cause both cam timing and the distributor to run late, so simply advancing the distributor cannot correct the issue. Yes, higher compression will require a higher octane fuel, but do you know the history of the engine ? The distributor timing can be...
  2. mtnmankev

    ignition timing crazy

    Also, perform a vacuum gauge test. Hook the gauge to full intake manifold vacuum, take careful note of the needle's actions and readings. Check at idle, fast idle (holding at a steady RPM) and compare the two. I would suggest try it at 16 degrees where you say it runs smoothly, and then try it...
  3. mtnmankev

    ignition timing crazy

    I strongly suggest you check for timing gear/chain wear. Start with the mark on the harmonic balancer at 0 TDC no. 1 compression stroke. Remove distributor cap. Make a mark somehow or take note exactly where the rotor is pointing. Turn the crankshaft the opposite direction of rotation and see...
  4. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    That's a different department. You may want to ask a service advisor to look into it.
  5. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    That could stand a goodly amount of clarification. What kind of products could one manufacture with a fuseblock and wiring harness ?
  6. mtnmankev

    Turn signals flash all running lights

    Did you inspect bulbs, sockets and grounds at the front running/turn signal lights? It may be voltage finding an alternate path to ground. It also may be in the steering column, the turn signal switch itself or the wires running down through the column to the connector.
  7. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    Obviously, there were changes that had to be made when glass fuses went extinct. We have an 82, an 83, an 84 and a 86 here, mixture of 2wd and 4wd, half ton and 3/4 ton, and they all used the same fuseblock.
  8. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    Is this any better ?????? Good thing I gave my smartass side a vacation, otherwise I might suggest checking to see if your glasses needed cleaning .......
  9. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    Two things, ...... you should have seen how bad the pic was from my phone's camera, so friend took the pic with his and his hands would not stop shaking. Will try it again to see if the quality will improve. And compared to how badly readable the average fuseblock is after 30 some odd years...
  10. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    You're welcome, sir ...... seeing as how the fuseblock lives in a dark corner and having a bad angle to lay on the floorboard to see it, I figured this would be handy for many folks like myself.
  11. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    Catbox, you are very welcome .... I am happy to share useful tidbits of info that may come in handy for others who share our interest in these trucks.
  12. mtnmankev

    Crisp, clear pic of a square's fuseblock for those looking for same.....

    All 4 of our squares in my driveway have washed out/faded/worn off lettering on the fuseblocks, and internet searches for a decent pic were fruitless. Thanks to a fellow member of this wonderful site sending me a harness I need for my 83, the fuseblock is pristine and nicer than any I think I...
  13. mtnmankev

    Thermostat help

    Received my prize in the mail today, that was quick !!! Many thanks again, Wayne, and I look forward to your next contest. Kev
  14. mtnmankev

    Want complete stock wiring harness for 83 C20

    Thanks, Jerry...... That's a good start for me, maybe I will get lucky at the wrecking yard and find a good underhood section. I don't know where the problems originate, but i suspect inside the fuseblock may have failed since I have power to some circuits and not others. Let me know what the...
  15. mtnmankev

    Want complete stock wiring harness for 83 C20

    I'm tired of fighting lights that don't work, fuses that have no power to them and other electrical issues. I want to buy a good used stock wiring harness for my 83 C20.
  16. mtnmankev

    No dash or tail lights, this is WEIRD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's the latest weirdness ............I have NO power to the instrument lights fuse. Not sure if the power source is within the fuse block, or a wire running to the block from the firewall side. I pulled the tail light fuse, have power to one side, and put multimeter with the beeper to the...
  17. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    I will do some research on the application, and find pix. Thanks !!! PS: don't forget about the classic rock show Thursday 7PM.
  18. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    I THINK this is the linkage on the 1405 Edelbrock where the kickdown cable will connect ? I see two pieces on Jeg's site, a cable bracket that MIGHT be the one for the 1405 (I did see one for the Holley) and they show a lever that is supposed to bolt to the carburetor. This 1405 install on the...
  19. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    The switch seems to be long gone, probably a previous owner did that when they changed the trans. So far, I am happy with the 350 as long as it keeps going as good as it has up till now.
  20. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    Vince, That time is coming VERY SOON ...... The Q-jet has started acting up lately, and I really am tired of the hassle of taking it apart and fighting it for reassembly. I suspect the Q-jet has reached that time where they just say they are tired and want to retire. I have a 1405 all rebuilt...
  21. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    Both trannys upshift normal, and as speed is decreased, they both downshift normal. It's just the passing gear/forced downshift part that's different. The 84 has an Edelbrock 1405 carb with no provision for the kickdown cable, so that's just as well ...... The 83 has a quadrajet with bracket for...
  22. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    Both of them have the vacuum actuated modulator, and a governor behind the dish shaped plate. The one in the 84 doesn't have a place for a kickdown cable, and there are no extra linkages like are found on the 400 like a friend has in his truck.
  23. mtnmankev

    TH350 Do some not need a kickdown cable ?

    Weird things (and I do mean really weird) happen here a LOT, most without explanation, so I really shouldn't be surprised a bit, but it DOES seem odd to me. I would think all TH350's were created equal.

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