I like the wheels but I would use 17" max. I think smaller wheels an tires with higher sidewall suits our old trucks better. But that's just my preference.
I used a thin layer of antiseize for servicing the drum brakes. Antiseize has "no" thickness and does not effect play. If rust forms between surfaces it puts a lot of force on the wheel studs as rust has way more volume than steel.
I prime it to check if I have oil pressure, no matter if roller or flat tapped cam. No oil pressure no bueno.
When I have to pull the distributor I set the engine on tdc, then rotate it to the desired degree mark on the balancer and put the distributor back in with the finger aligned to #1...
I installed a relay and wiring and use my cruise control lever (cruise control never worked) for flashing the high beams with lights off. Works with park or low beam on too.
There are plenty.