That's an emissions system thermal vacuum valve. A set of vacuum lines are attached that will switch duties depending on the temperature of the coolant.
But, didn't Blazers come out with white tops? My memory, skewed and as fornicated as it is, can't remember seeing a body color match come from the factory.
Maybe it's like that to help out the assembly line in production? Like some sort of reference point to clamshell the floor into the cab... or structural support for the pedal assembly.
I've not paid that part of the truck much attention yet.
True, but he would have lost his new fastener. Which is what I was thinking of, since the rest of the bolts, cables and wiring will hold it together just fine.
Sounds like the driver chip checked out of the chat, which is weird since it still runs. Unless you find some wiring deficiency out in the loom or beyond, replacing the ecm makes sense, but I feel your reluctance.
Welcome Gregory. That's cool af! Do you have a picture from below? In my estimation, tie rod ends should be relatively level. What does it steer like, or what is it doing weird?