Recent content by T-roy K10

  1. T

    Stiff Steering

    I have the same truck and had the same problem. Disconnected the stabilizer and it got a lil better. Bought a Lares gear box and now it’s much better. It still doesn’t return to enter like a new model truck but it’s way easier to drive now. I was constantly correcting the steering going down...
  2. T

    K10 Rear axle ID

    I know it’s a 12 bolt, even though everything I read says a 1985 k10 never came with a 12. Lady at DMV said it was either military or some government agency. It has the loud clunk in reverse and seems to have too much okay when turning yoke by hand (nothing up and down). Limited slip is also...
  3. T

    Stiff Steering

    I would get the front tires off of the ground, disconnect the pitman arm and turn the tires by hand to see if it’s the joints or box, pump or column. Disconnect the Steering stabilizer to check that too if it has one.
  4. T

    Will this work with 35s?

    This is an 85 k-10 with 4” lift and 35s.
  5. T

    Lares steering box review

    I’ve been doing a lot of work on this 85 K10 to get it to drive as well as possible. One reason for buying this truck is for a back-up. If my work truck breaks down and has to spend some time in the shop I’ll have something to work out of (at least that’s the excuse I gave the wife ). So, I was...
  6. T

    Fixed my bump steer

    My 85 SB 4x4 had a 4” lift when I bought it. It also came with an annoying bump steer. I removed one leaf from the front and it got worse. Let me explain for the people that might confuse this. It is not hitting something with one tire, it’s when you hit a bump or dip in the road with both tires...
  7. T

    Dodge 440 in K10 Motor Mounts

    I’ve had many dodge cars and trucks from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Love the dodge motors and I think the big block mopar Is the easiest V-8 ever made to work on. that includes the V-8 Chevy. That said, I would not put one in a Chevy truck. Just way too many headaches and modifications IMO. Like the...
  8. T

    1987 R10 Radiator Leak

    I think guys are way too hung-up on how many cores a radiator has. I was too until i compared the original 3 core to the new 2 core. By ”core”, apparently they’re referring to the horizontal rows of tubing. My original had 3 rows of tubing that are only about 1/2“ max each. the 2 rows in the new...
  9. T

    1987 R10 Radiator Leak

    and probably the same one I got from LMC truck for less money. I also ordered one from O’reillys ($200. I think) but when it came in I measured it and knew it wouldn’t fit in my brackets, so I ordered the one from LMC thinking it would be all metal like the original. Well they looked like the...
  10. T

    1987 R10 Radiator Leak

    Sure do. 32-0988 upper panel radiator mount. $22.95 32-0972 radiator mounting pad $4.95 (need 4) 32-2947 radiator $299.00 Oreilys has a radiator for less that looks to be the same as the one from LMC, but I’m not positive. I would look up the measurements to make sure.
  11. T

    1987 R10 Radiator Leak

    I replaced mine with the largest radiator they offered at LMC truck. Didn’t know I was getting an aluminum/plastic one, but it does cool better than the original. I also had to order the larger rubber bushings and top bracket (only about 20 bucks) because the radiator is thicker than my...
  12. T

    Mpg to expect on an '82 C20 3+3, 350?

    Not the same truck, but my 85 k10 got 16mpg on a 130 mile trip running r4 a/c the whole trip. It a shorted with a carb’d 97 vortec 350. 33s and 4” lift. Oh, and 3.73 gears and th350.
  13. T

    Anyone use this R4 A/C conversion kit?

    the worse pia for me would be piecing all the correct parts together. If I knew exactly what brackets and hoses to buy that would be great, if not, Id rather spend the money to get all the right parts the first time.
  14. T

    Anyone use this R4 A/C conversion kit?

    I’m looking to toss this junk R4 and get one that works longer than a month without charging. This looks to be the best I’ve found in a search. It says it mounts on the drivers side and that is the setup I have now so shouldnt be too complicated. Any experience with this kit? is it junk Too...
  15. T

    4.1 mpg?

    Update. Tried to add gas to the other tank and it took about 1/2 gallon. I’m sure you can always get something in there. So this carb 350 4x4 actually got 16mpg. Impressive.

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