For the fan. Do the obvious first. Check all the fuses. Including the one inline on the firewall coming off the junction block just to the pass side of the brake booster. Then head over to the reference section and download the wiring diagram and start chasing wires. Not a super complex circuit...
You may or may not need both. I did not, in fact the two inch pitman with he 4 inch arm made mine worse.
Here a post on ck5 that gives a lot of info. Stephen owns Off Road Design and knows a few things about these trucks.
Thread 'Stock type steering correction. You probably should not use...
Looks like a bunch of the linkages on the pass side are not hooked up or missing. Might be holding things in the wrong spots and/or jamming up other parts.
I've always done one side at a time. All left. Then all right. That way you're tilting the body side to side and not putting too much stress between cab and fender as that's exactly where the fenders rip on Blazers and burbs when you wheel them hard.
In the Reference Library forum there is a sticky post with all the service manuals. Pretty sure the 73 is there. I know the 74 (where that pic is from) and the 75 supplement are. I actually have the 74 and 75 manuals but the PDFs are super convenient print what you need and if you get them...
The bulb seal fits over the pinch weld the front header seal I believe glues on and has a screw in each end as shown. I haven't had my top off in over a decade so I'm foggy in the memory department.