Recent content by NickTransmissions

  1. NickTransmissions

    TransGo shift kit install...

    I know the kit doesn't require removal. I asked because if you had it on the bench you DO NOT NEED to spend any $$$ on a shift kit to achieve the performance you're seeking. You can dual feed the direct clutch internally, recalibrate for shift speed/firmness relative to converter stall, etc via...
  2. NickTransmissions

    TransGo shift kit install...

    What transmission? Are you going through it or is it still in the vehicle?
  3. NickTransmissions

    1987 R10: TH400 to 200-4R swap (mostly wiring??)

    The wiring going to your TH400 is for the detent solenoid. The 200-4R takes a lock up converter (converter with a clutch inside of it). You will need to install a TCC internal/external lock up kit to ensure the converter clutch is applied in 4th gear. Painless Performance, B&M and TCI make...
  4. NickTransmissions

    Corvette servo

    Do the vette servo ($20) and drill the plate .093" if the engine/converter are stock. Run the billet 4th gear servo if you want to do some towing in OD on a level grade. Make sure you set band clearance correctly - see my vid on how to do so:
  5. NickTransmissions

    Who needs their TH400 rebuilt in Northern Nevada?

    Thanks, man - appreciate the views on YT. Automatic transmissions are marvels of mechanical engineering, IMO. Cheers!
  6. NickTransmissions

    Who needs their TH400 rebuilt in Northern Nevada?

    If you do end up helping someone w/a rebuild and you both run into a problem, let me know - Im in Vegas and built hundreds of those units so can prob assist...
  7. NickTransmissions

    72 nova turbo 400 to 84 chevy k20 compatible?

    Ah, forgot about those 205s...That said, unless he knows the history of that TH400 in the Nova, I still recommend he rebuild his K20's unit vs trying to swap in a used unit. not a fan of used transmissions in general...
  8. NickTransmissions

    72 nova turbo 400 to 84 chevy k20 compatible?

    As is? No as the 72 Nova is 2WD while the truck is a 4x4. You need to take the trans apart, install the correct output shaft for a 4WD application then reassemble it - which would be senseless for you to do given you can just rebuild the K20's TH400 of you're going to do all that.
  9. NickTransmissions

    I’m buying a lottery ticket!!

    There's definitely a winning Powerball ticket with your name on it, just waiting to be snatched up:cool: Nice save.
  10. NickTransmissions


    It's an early 1984 unit if it came with a forward drum w/a 27-spline input shaft. I never pay attn to the rest of the characters; for me they're meaningless. The first character (an integer) combined with the presence or absence of a large, upside down "U" shaped cast crease on pass side of the...
  11. NickTransmissions

    th350 overhaul direct/forward clutch clearance

    Of course I remember - I don't have Alzheimer's, at least not yet lol. Plus excessive clearance in that clutch was not likely the reason (or only reason) they burned up - the cause is likely multi-factoral). Yes, look into the .090 thick steels...If you have an addl two steels at .020" per steel...
  12. NickTransmissions

    th350 overhaul direct/forward clutch clearance

    I'm generally not a fan of stacking steels on top of each other as you have but I don't think it will hurt anything. There's also .090 thick steels available as well as the thicker backing plates, unless you already have five .090 thick steels installed...If so, that piston was prob machined as...
  13. NickTransmissions

    th350 overhaul direct/forward clutch clearance

    Direct clutch should have four (4) frictions & four steels, unless you're counting a wavy/cushion steel...Direct clutch clearance should be fine at .025-.030"...Book calls for .015-.095" but I feel anything more than .060" is somewhat excessive if using a 4&4 set up...Your 2-3 shift will be on...
  14. NickTransmissions


    What was wrong with the converter that made it incorrect for the transmission? Was it set up for a 27-spline input shaft instead of a 30-spline? If so, your 700R4 is an early 1984 unit. Late '84 saw the intro of the 30-spline input shaft, "152" drum casting, large-dia stator shaft and new...
  15. NickTransmissions

    1986 Automatic Transmission Leak

    Replace your pan gasket (DO NOT USE a cork gasket), speedometer cable/housing seals snd rear transmission mount. Check the governor cover seal, replace that also if leaking. Double check the selector shaft seal - replace if leaking.

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