Recent content by mrdap

  1. mrdap


    Very sorry to hear that. I hope you recover your investment from the insurance company.
  2. mrdap


    I second everything that has already been said. I have personally experienced such attempted scams three or more times. And by an apparently well known and respected forum member. Or an impersonator. Not sure which.
  3. mrdap

    FOUND: WTB Ashtray, Suburban 3rd Seat Armrest

    Hello Rusty Nail, No. This ashtry I was looking for is specific to the THIRD row bench seat in Suburbans. These ashtrays were mounted in the armrest of the third row seat. The '82-'91 Blazer/Jimmy had the ashtray for the back seat (2nd row) mounted in the interior side panel. This is a...
  4. mrdap

    GMC Grille Resto 1981

    Looks great Well done!
  5. mrdap

    Crate SBC 350 installation plan

    I suggest you Google this: "factory engine lift brackets small block Chevy" The GM factory used engine lift brackets which are now being reproduced. You can also find GM original brackets on eBay. One of them mounts on the left hand driver side front of the engine using two of the 3/8"...
  6. mrdap

    700R4 Trans Cooling Lines options/recommendations?

    Steel lines. Factory replacement reproduction steel lines are going to be your easiest route. If you have the skills and the tools you can bend your own as suggested. I would avoid rubber hose myself.
  7. mrdap

    Crate SBC 350 installation plan

    Hello, You're have a really cool set up there looks great! I think you have a solid plan there. Here's my recommendations for what it's worth: Others may agree or disagree. 1. Personally I would axe the carburetor lift plate. Go with your chains and leveler. Even if you have to remove the...
  8. mrdap

    Now we move into desperation territory (seeking advice)...

    Admittedly I haven't read every word of every post on this thread. But the first thought that comes to my mind is the ignition / HEI module inside the distributor. Have you checked or swapped that?
  9. mrdap

    TBI Harness Pigtails

    Thanks for all the suggestions!
  10. mrdap

    TBI Harness Pigtails

    I don't know offhand but if they are TBIs they might match up Thanks.
  11. mrdap

    TBI Harness Pigtails

    Right,, point understood. If I have to I'll do it. Buy all the individual connectors the pins, wires, crimp tools, etc. My plan was just to get some matching pigtails, simply splice them in. They will look perfectly original and stock, with the correct wire colorings and stripes, and it's a...
  12. mrdap

    TBI Harness Pigtails

    Hello Team, Wondering if anyone has an old TBI under hood harness laying around they'd be willing to sell some pigtails from. I've had some problems with rodents and some of the pigtails have been chewed. I was hoping to find a couple of pigtails if someone would be willing to sell. I would...
  13. mrdap

    WTB Consoles, Orig. '81-'91, Blazer/Jimmy/Suburban

    Yeah re finishing is a great idea. If you can find one good enough to start with
  14. mrdap

    WTB Orig. Exhaust Crossover '87-'91 Blazer/Jimmy

    Hello Mr Clean..... Thanks, sent you an IM
  15. mrdap

    WTB Consoles, Orig. '81-'91, Blazer/Jimmy/Suburban

    Yes I know I'm finding the same problem. Thanks

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