Recent content by Mango

  1. Mango

    New from northern Maine

    Welcome from Wyoming I grew up in Lewiston
  2. Mango

    Front Brakes Grabbing

    Still Grabbing after new pads just started with cold wet conditions, Work great all Spring Summer FAll ???
  3. Mango

    Cleaning Fuel Injectors

    Just Cleaned the TBI with Spray cleaner and Installed New Plugs AC Delco CR43TS and one Bottle Chevron Techron fuel system cleaner with the fuel tank almost empty. Runs so much better I think its the Plugs ?
  4. Mango

    Cleaning Fuel Injectors

    1989 350, 194,000 miles origional injectors, spray pattern looks good, runs good, gas millage not great! Can or should I clean the TBI in a Ultrasonic Cleaner? and replace gaskets?
  5. Mango

    Hello from Idaho

    Welcome from Wyoming, I also have a 89 Burb All Original with a 350 192,000 miles
  6. Mango

    Howdy from Maine

    Hello fellow Mainer, I left Maine to be a ski bum in Wyoming and never left. What part of Maine are you from? Welcome I have a 89 Burb and she runs wicked pissa
  7. Mango

    Hi, I’m new here

    Welcome from Wyoming !
  8. Mango

    Rear Axel Bearings and Seal

    @GTX63 Thanks for the Vid
  9. Mango

    Rear Axel Bearings and Seal

    @PrairieDrifter Ever heard of a Axel Saver Bearing
  10. Mango

    Rear Axel Bearings and Seal

    Thinking I need New Axels almost 200,000 miles on them Any way to tell prior to pulling them off??
  11. Mango


    Update now with straight 10W-30 I have developed a slight ticking sound an idle speed??? Push on the accelerator slightly and bring up the RPM and it goes away
  12. Mango


    Just drained my oil and replaced the filter with a WIX and 5 Qts of 10W-30. No more snake oil for me! She justs keeps running (for now)
  13. Mango

    Quad Shocks

    Leaf Springs not bottoming out, the bushings have been replaces last summer, Still looking for the OEM or similar shocks Thanks for all the replies
  14. Mango

    Quad Shocks

    Hey All Quad Front shocks for a 1989 4x4 burb V1500, replaced them with some random brand from NAPA about three years ago. Feels like I am driving the Flinstone Car, Stock height, Any suggestions on replacements? Also original leaf springs with 198,000 miles
  15. Mango

    Wiper Interior Switch

    Well after tearing into the steering colume, went to pull the turn arm off and just the plastic pulled off! that was the problem not the switch, That is why it was just spinning put the rod back in with epoxy so far so good Cheep after market parts

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