Recent content by Hunter_Michael

  1. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    I definetly will in the future! Thanks for the help!
  2. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    I got tired of following the troubleshooting guide after going about 3/4's the way thu it and finding nothing wrong... So I just replaced the distributor coil like was told earlier and also swapped the ICM just because I had the extra ones in a box. It Started... I wonder if the new (standard)...
  3. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    Ok, issue now. I took the old pigtail and got it spliced to temp work while waiting for the new one to come. Was seeing if I could get it to start. Now what I have is still no fuel thru the injectors. Got power to the red wire on both with key on on the injector harness plug, Test light...
  4. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    I sure hope so. I just installed the distributor back in with the new pickup coil and also noticed one of the (two) distributor cap bolts that hold it onto the distributor was stripped... re taped one size larger bolt and got it secured properly. That could of been amother issue as well... Only...
  5. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    Just pulled the distributor to replace the pickup trigger coil and noticed the ignition coil connector pig tail (black Connector) had a bad connection on the white wire. It was barely hanging on, I bent it and it came off.. So I think I may have found my issue or another issue that just happened...
  6. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    Mine just Cut out and died completly while my son was driving it today...Again.... The LED light connected to the coil stayed on when it happened. Now when I crank the engine the injectors will not spray fuel. Have verified the fuel pump(s) are working and the fuel Pump soleniod is clicking as...
  7. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    Got it ordered, Will give it a try! Thanks
  8. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    I drove it today for about an hour total, drove like a champ going to Lowes (30 minute drive). On the trip back it cut off twice, this time it felt like the injectors stopped pumping fuel?? 3/4 tank of gas, once at a stand still awaiting on a light and the other while driving, put it in neutral...
  9. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    Brand New.. One of the first things I replaced.
  10. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    I just replaced the passenger side tank because it leaked. About $300 to get that fixed, thats the tank, sending unit with pump etc. I replaced the transfer switch at the same time. but not a hard job. I have my son run that new tank just to illiminate the drivers side tank as the issue, which...
  11. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    The brake light on the dash does come on when I press the brakes hard then go off. I recently replaced the drum brakes on the rear and the front discs etc. I need to re bleed the brakes, I believe is what is causing this?? But its been braking fine and no leaks. It all happens well after its...
  12. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    I checked for a code after my son came home from school and no codes...Im going to add that led light and see if it looses power to the coil.
  13. Hunter_Michael

    87' R10 TBI 350 shuts off when driving. HeLP

    Gotcha, I got wrong info from a mechanic friend that said 87' tbi had a low oil safety that would shut the fuel pump off. The shut off of the engine while driving only happens when driving, not while idling... This is so random its frustrating... Ive seen other posts of the same issue with the...

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